Saturday 7 March 2015

one day i'll find you again

backwards in our ways, upside down, as below so above not the other way around unable to see a higher truth, mired in all this heavy hitting, unrelenting darkening so on it goes as i see that we could be so much more and are when it's revealed i plan to make sure that i'm healed and with me others and the world around listening to a higher sound, the song of ages as we meet, grounding our feet, reaching up high to listen to a greater more holistic all encompassing beat, in a movie when they kiss their clothes come off rapidly and are given way to passion untamed when the true expression is a burgeoning flame, the softest touch leading to a slow revealing of the love that drives our feeling, not a rampant penetration but a true celebration, one and another of loving aspiration, when i kiss you, you kiss me we will finally see the ways in which something tender can grow inside us both, tinder for that higher lit fire, ready to engulf our bodies, minds and souls eventually, you and me, them and us, no such fuss or unnecessary stuff, a growing organic connection, pure affection, i love you because you are yours, not because you're mine and vices versed that's the way of things when they are real, how we feel when honoured and complete on our own but then together making two whole souls becoming a greater aspect of a larger reality, not drowning in uncomplicated energy, dank and heavy but switching on a light in heaven and in the earth, connecting, affecting, being, loving all x

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