Sunday 15 March 2015

mo money mo problem

money is a disease, greed a symptom, the more you have of it, the more you feel a lack of more of it, that you need even more, leading to the obvious conclusion that the best thing is to be in balance, have a small bank balance, when we had virtually nothing as people, we had each other and we were rich, now we feel poor and buy things because we feel we need them when we only really want them to fill the hole that is created and when we do they make us feel better for a second or two and on it goes the war on want and the feeling of neediness, greediness, I know i like buying stuff, things, bargains, shopping more stuff than i really need because it's a little bit more to spend to buy one two get two free now i've got four when i only needed one, the time has come to be more realistic and know that growth in the economy is a buzz word for killing the planet off sooner rather than later and us with it

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