Sunday 26 January 2014

The seven seas of rhye - ergotism and egotism and LSD that can cure this disease

Separating the wheat from the chaff... and the Holy Firesent by god

Many things that occur in nature are bad things for a good reason...

Whilst walking the Camino in Spain I came across the Monastery of Saint Anton, which was dedicated to treating people who had succumbed (literally a succubus a creature that sucks the very life from its host) to what had become known as the plague of Saint Anthony's fire, gangrenous ergotism in the masses from their staple food the rye grass they used to make their daily bread...
Egotism a parasite once taken hold in a human host can be passed on to others as a way of protecting onself from others with the disease of the mind and has spread so thoroughly one might consider it too much of a coincidence that the two labels have such a similar spelling ;)

The occurrence of Claviceps purpurea must have began with the cultivation of rye since it was far more common on that host than in other grains.  Rye was a weed grain and occurred wherever wheat was cultivated. Often it became the dominant plant when wheat fields were abandoned. Thus, in a way, where ever civilization became established, rye would follow it there. However, it was not cultivated for food until some time, in the early Middle Ages (around the 5th. Century), in what is now eastern Europe and western Russia.

Ergot of Rye is a plant disease that is caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. The so-called ergot that replaces the grain of the rye is a dark, purplish sclerotium (Figs. 1a-b), from which the sexual stage (Fig. 2a-b), of the lifecycle will form after over wintering.  The sexual stage consists of stroma in which the asci and ascospores are produced. Although the ergot is far different in appearance than the true grain, its occurrence was so common that it was thought to be part of the rye plant, until the 1850's, when the true nature of the ergot was understood. Although the common name indicates that this fungus is a disease of rye, it also can infect several other grains, with rye being the most common host for this species. It is the ergot stage of the fungus that contains a storehouse of various compounds that have been useful as pharmaceutical drugs as well as mycotoxins that can be fatal when consumed. The proportion of the compounds produced will vary within the species. Thus, the victim that has lived through ergot poisoning once may experience different symptoms if they were unfortunate enough to consume ergot for a second time. This species was also the original source from which LSD was first isolated. It is believed that symptoms of ergotism have been recorded since the middle ages and possibly even as far back as ancient Greece.

Ergotism and the Bubonic Plague
In order to understand the disease, let us first go over its life history. The bacterium, Yersinia pestis, is the actual pathogenic agent that causes the Bubonic Plague. However, it does not directly infect humans, most commonly, Xenopsylla cheopis, a species of flea that specifically infects rats is the carrier of the disease. Pulex irritans, a flea that typically infects human can carry also carry the disease, but this is uncommon. The disease cycle begins when the bacterium enters the stomach of a flea that has bitten an infected rat and dined on its blood. If the rat host dies of the disease or for some other reason, the flea will have to find another host. If the flea should bite a human and sucks its blood, it regurgitates blood and plague bacilli into the bite site thereby infecting its human host.

noun: egotism
the fact of being excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself.
"in his arrogance and egotism, he underestimated Gill"
synonyms:self-centredness, egocentricity, egomania, self-interest, selfishness, self-seeking, self-serving, self-regard, self-absorption, self-obsession, self-love, narcissism, self-admiration, self-adulation, vanity, conceit, conceitedness, self-conceit, pride, self-esteem, self-importance;
boastfulness, boasting, bragging, blowing one's own trumpet;
informallooking after number one;
"in his arrogance and egotism, he underestimated Gill"

Saturday 25 January 2014

My name is David Webb and this is the Born Ultimatum

A few years ago I almost died, as a result of a reaction to two different so called recreational drugs, in truth they had an effect along the lines of entheogens, literally god givers, ways to explore the divine, to experience a level of conciousness above the so called norm, and that time was hard to recover from.  However, because I was seeking such experiences, on a spiritual path, a journey to discover the truth of life itself, I now finally know and reflect upon it as not a bad trip but a good one.

Enlightenment was the result for a short period, 8 hours or so of ranting and raving and near death through heat exhaustion, on a hot summers days, not taking on water i was given nearly expiring.

What i remember is brief, moments, snapshots of feeling as though I was god.

Afterwards I was very disassociated from people, my body racked with pain.  My muscles were cramped, i was dehydrated but actually none the worse after some food and water and care.

Two weeks afterwards I was fully recovered in body but not in mind, I suffered delusions of grandure at the time and a high level of self confidence that became unwieldy myself and unwelcome to others.

As I slowly came down from that high time I found my old issues resurfacing, a lack of self confidence, not egotism the other one negotism I suppose you might say, a feeling I have suffered a lot in life, not knowing what i wished for myself, following the crowd, the group mind, to work, to live to work to live.  The journey continues as I find that this place is hellish  and heavenly.

Our state of mind can take us there, to feeling as though we would rather not be here or feeling as though we are in a state of grace that could never be surpassed, the truth is that this could be heaven.

Those in charge or at least feel as though they are, will do anything to prevent the collapse of the systems in place at the moment to control the expression of life on this planet, warring and murdering as they go, around the world, normal people are drawn into a conspiracy, a hidden agenda, less so now as it falls under the weight of its own immoral nature, a crime against nature, death to life.

Terrorism and the fear of death or crime or any other of a hundred ways in which we can have our lives controlled to allow this system to continue maintains a shallow and increasingly loose grip on our own conciousness, we find ways to pass time that when we die we will look back on and say why?

Was it worth it just to see a show on t.v. or a film or play a game rather than truly living now?

One trip of mine, taken very seriously, a shamanic journey in the heritage of our natural living past took me to the edge of reason as I was told that all of those things are merely distractions.

Even if we agree that there is no conspiracy and that such theories are false, the truth still says that there is more to living than merely getting from birth to death, we can live and experience grace, experience not just moments of pure clarity and the feeling we get at certain times in life such as the birth of a child, or standing alone on a mountain top, those moments or minutes or hours of living in the flow, living in the pure heavenly joy of true life can be stretched and grow and become the way.

The way we live day to day, the way we live until we die, only to find at the moment of death, we can choose, we can choose to let go, of our attachment to things, to people we loved, to this life here.

We can choose to experience the truth, the way, enlightenment, spiritual heavenly eternal life.

To get there, it is necessary to renounce all the bad things that we are caught up in.

Lying, cheating, stealing, all the sins of the religions, though they are systems too.

Systems of control, to keep women, or migrants, or other races, peoples down.

The truth of the matter is that we are not matter, we are energy, we are spirit.

Life does go on, eternally elsewhere, to get there you need to be prepared.

How to do that?

Learn more about yourself, experience the things that others have, search for yourself.

Don't take someone elses word for anything, take it onboard but it is your life.

Your experiences that count, it is only you that can do this.

Noone is going to save you, liberate you, no saviour but you.

Faith in a god without a connection to the divine is blind faith.

The truth is that the divine is not a man or a woman.

My teacher of the last ten days S.N. Goenke said something so wonderful in one of his discourses, he said that man made god in his image.

We have literally personified god as we do to our pets or to cartoon characters, making fish talk or dressing up dogs or putting our stamp on anything that we dont understand such as god or goddess.

Yes, experiences i have had, had at that time, taught me that the divine comes to us as people.

I met God in the form of Zeus and the Goddess in the form of Hera, they were the earliest representations that i was familiar with, so they introduced themselves as such, to make it easier for me to cope with?  I don't know...  It was a job interview of sorts, my role to become a shaman, to become someone with a connection to those on earth, socially as when i meet and speak to people and to have a connection to the divine spiritual beings and whatever god or goddess actually is.

We are all shaman and shawomen, we are all capable of such experiences in a controlled and safe way, however the laws of man, of the men mostly who have ruled for thousands of years make it very difficult, illegal in their eyes to have those experiences, so it can be a dangerous path, however...

That is no reason not to attempt it, and when you find someone you can trust to lead you, guide you

That is when you have found the source.

The reason for being, the truth.

And then it is over.

This is over.

My journey however continues, I have been told that I will reach enlightenment again, and this is a shoddy example but in the Harry Potter movie, where he is led dying he sees what he believes is his father come to save him, later when he experiences the same moment again having travelled back in time, he realises it was he himself who saved him.  That is what happened to me, I saved myself.

I wanted to know the truth, and a part of me only accessible when you search for it, or are near death, came back from the future, came back from my death, travelled along my own timeline to save me.

Literally showing me the way out, what I can become, what i became then, afterwards

and am reaching out for once more in the fervent hope and assurance that i will do so

I have no fear of death, if it comes today or tomorrow i will be ready to go, to let go

All of these things were brutal at the time to accept but they were natural and true

Hidden from us, now becoming so clear and present and available to us all...

Nothing can stop this, revolution, evolution of living, of being, spiritually

Whatever they do to try to stop it has always backfired eventually

They travelled the world murdering and pillaging destroying tribal cultures, labelling them savages, or backwards when in reality it was those men and women who knew how to live

They have no mental illness in tribal societies, rarely if ever are there the problems we suffer daily

Because they accept that a normal life has many magical mystical challenges aswell as the day to day struggle just to feed and shelter your family, they accept this truth and journey and so do i

Thankyou for listening

divine love

during the last ten days we learnt about dhamma, natural law, the law of the universe itself and the discourses from Teacher Goenka on impermanence and the teachings of Gotama the Bhudda himself reminded me of that experience two and a bit years ago when I myself attained spiritual enlightenment for a short period and gave my own discourse on the subject, that all is fleeting, nothing lasts, not pain, not joy, to crave or attempt to avoid them is folly...

The cause of all suffering is our attachment to things, people and
experiences instead of being in the moment enduring changes
Healing from that time is allowing me to see the truth again
My goal to attain enlightenment once more and finally
To escape the cycle of death and rebirth forever
To leave this world and never come back
Knowing that we live on forever
elsewhere as sparks of
the divine fire
of love &

Friday 24 January 2014

basically the spirit world is real

this IS the spirit world, we are ghosts in a grand machine only it's also a fabric woven from the finest elven silk, there's a magical mystery involved and also a purely scientific way to find out what where
when and why?  we are ghosts but solid ones they havent got a body no more after almost fading out
we feel them with us not at the sight of their slow recycling into what they were before alive kalapas
thats why the universe seems to have a mind of its own, those pesky particles are intelligent they're


the great world tree, of life, the tree of life, our family tree...

in shamanic traditions a tree represents (this is going to be short ok) ;)

three different worlds are represented there, the world of the fruit and leaves and sky
the world of the trunk and living bark skin and the peace and harmony in the garden
the world of the rabbit hole we all fell down when we forgot the knowledge of evil

we could be so much better than we are but we're scared to be amazing

scared to make others feel bad because we're feeling so good

you see their scowling faces as the can't reflect

the love of life they see in our eyes

the way we live every moment

as if it was our last and

in so doing really



erm yeah so dhamm dippa, I'm v passionate about vipassana xxxxx

i fitted more pieces of the jigsaw together thanks to new friends

to finding my head hurting as my brain let go of it's need

to think it's in control when it's not we are in the body

we feel every sensation but block out so much to

give us some breathing space from others who

darken our world in their own way wihout

often knowing why we don't spend time

with them, oh my can't they see it as

clear as the way they must feel the

opposite to those of us so free and

happy for no reason not knowing

why or needing a reason living

in a way that makes no sense

to people knowing they'd

like the same feeling if

only we would teach

them when they

already know


a loving



um dhammit sorry bad joke well meant, erm incredible hard Hard HARD

i faced morning tuesday on the seventh day when i should be relaxing ;)

wednesday thursday as my desire to leave instead of facing myself

meant i stayed, and in the moment changed my attitude to smiling

through it all, seeing everything as a positive even if i don't know

quite why yet, I don't need to know as long as everything kesps

rolling so freely no moss no attachment to experience because

you're not imagining it anymore or remembering it you're

living it


sorry, life the universe and everything part two, so yeah shamanically as a species and who knows the planet, we fell into hele the root of the word hell, where lessons are taught that either torture you or set you free when you renounce your evil ways and choose to life a moral life, a true life, loving.

and when you do everything is transformed around you, it's all heavenly except the bad bits

which are inevitable, into each life some rain may fall, get wet it feels great.  Get cold.

walk in the elements until you crave shelter, company and the comfort of warmth.

we can learn our lessons, be good, and ultimately climb out of the rabbit hole

in the centre of our minds, the labyrinth of legend is there within us don't

go there without a thread of the golden fleece of love in your heart

get scared, trip, meditate, do loads of weird spiritual things

dont get caught up in one, try em all and see what works

what gives you the goosebumps again what makes

your skin crawl at the prospect, opens you up
makes you face your public speaking fear

your fear of failure try it you might love

it only to find whenever you think

you are lost that love is lost that

you will never feel happy again

you will find every time a spark

of something pure that saves you

it is you, it's a spark of pure divinity

that fights back knowing its falling back

into a world it would like to leave with all

everyone we've ever loved but we cant, we've

you go when it's our time and face it with hope a leap

of faith in something more that you find when you look

not for love

giving love

in what you

do say and be


Saturday 11 January 2014


many people think that all there is to life is life itself, you live you die and that is all. In the year 2000 i sensed an opportunity to live rather than spend the rest of my days dying inside a little more each day, so i left a possibly promising career and since then have been doing my best, within the confines of what i believed was possible to find out the answer to the question why are we here? The answers aren't easy, the journey from there to here has been and continues to be painful as i accept that there is more to life than merely waking each day to go to work to pay to live and so... it goes on, i go on, finding new life within the moments between waking and sleeping and more within the time we see as a third of life spent sleeping.

Now i live within natures ever lasting embrace, spiders, earwigs all sorts of creatures share my living space, nature now no longer fears me and i don't fear it either, only having to reconnect to human beings who i've often seen as the cause of most of my pain, when in reality it was my own fears that i projected onto the world, onto others, or had projected onto my existence.

We are all given to believe that time is linear, that it goes from the past to the future and us with it, as though we cannot affect it's passing but we can. Several times in my life i seemed to have knowledge of things that haven't actually happened yet, deja vu as it is known, the feeling of having experienced an event before and yet it also feels like the first time too.

Whilst driving close to home I would often fear deer crossing the road in front of me when i approached a particularly bad corner, recently this came to pass and now i don't get that instinct any longer. Before I took self defence classes to prepare for what i saw at the time as a journey abroad i didn't expect to come back from, i had all sorts of strange notions because i had searched the internet and other sources to find out why i had an overiding sense that change was upon us all, that something was coming.

Somehow the skills i learnt at that time were already a part of me years previously when i broke up a fight. It's usually in the moment that a connection to something seemingly comes from the future to now. In fact the feeling i had all those years ago has gone now, i don't feel as though something wicked or lovely this way comes any more, whatever it was is here, a reconnection to the divine, to something greater than me, the source of that feeling is the future speaking to us in the current time.

It's confusing, not to have had any guidance except my own instincts, not to have anyone to turn to except those people out there also having the same experiences, and there are many don't ever believe there are not.

Whatever you believe, reach out, trust someone, skeptically mind you...

Take whatever they say with a pinch of salt but give it a chance too.

Believe in better for yourself and those around you I always did

Now I always do, what scares me most is people, but that's me

I learnt at a very young age that they can't be trusted

to do what they say they will, because they too fear

what they don't understand, what they were never
taught to have faith in, what they were conditioned
to believe in because that is what has gone before.

The truth is far more complicated but i would not
go back cannot go back only forwards, into love
into loving every day whatever it brings and the
freedom to do as i choose but ultimately it's a
feeling of reconnecting to destiny not being
a pawn in someone else's plan for us but
becoming a source of love in the world
a source of answers to the greatest
questions... like why are we here?
The journey is worth it, feels so
worth it every day despite my
ongoing reluctance to heal
the wounds i've caused
or had perpetrated
on me, to feel as
though you are
worth more
more love
more life

Friday 10 January 2014

whatever is working through me makes me feel like a lover, a fighter, a friend, a 60's throwback or a future fucking legend all rolled into one mess called me bleurgh i cant believe ive said all this

two things romance and cut backs - thoughts on those two

romance sucks romantic love is all about ownership and setting yourself up for a fall, surely everyone knows that there is more than one person out there that you could spend the rest of your life with and to suggest otherwise seems like settling, or a chemical imbalance or a sham
maybe that's cos i'm a fucking ex romantic who feels like
there ought to be the freedom to grow and change
and move on and have short and long term
relationships with different people for
different things and lovers and
friendship as the basis of all
our relationships that's
the freedom to live
and grow and be
who you were
meant to be
or summat
like that

cutbacks? austerity? it's another massive load of wanky bollox which is a lie
after all, the rich are getting richer, greed is out of control, none of the rich think they have enough money because they never have enough to be
content, they are always going to find something they want, we know
the feeling of getting what we thought we wanted only to find it's
not made us feel content, the feeling doesn't last, its fleeting
we got that thing we've been wanting, saving for, only
to find the sheen is gone in seconds or minutes
they're out of control and the only thing
that keeps me going is the knowledge
that they are trapped in their own
private hell where nothing is
ever enough, well enough
is enough, you can live
quite happily with a
lot less than you
think, just the
basics, food
shelter and
loving a

i'm hoping that soon, as it appears to me, they will continue infighting and the whole thing will collapse, i'm with the hopis, connect to nature or perish! x

true humans

in the only true human societies, the tribal ones where a boy physically but much
more importantly PSYCHOLOGICALLY becomes a man by facing the trials
most of what i am going through now would have been done and dusted
unfortunately in our so called culture we don't face ourselves by being
alone for any period of time and often we aren't socialised because
of stereotypes and prejudices that keep us apart make us leave
others out in the cold rather than giving them a warm hug
this world makes me sick and the people in it more so
because we don't grow and change we try to stay
the same whilst calling ourselves adult humans
most only face the truth in a single moment
right before death and it's such a shock
that it can cause tremors throughout
the time space continuum that can
still be felt most strongly now...
So if im making mistakes and
trying to learn from them
each time they come
around it's because
what goes is what
is given and that
comes round
again soon
here so i'm
a sorry excuse for a human being and i blame no-one
because i've decided to take a stand and say NO
to the way things were to make them not how
they should be but could be, i hope will be
the way, the truth, the light banishing
shade, shadows, ignorance mostly
my own

on a ragga tip

Spiritual Lottery Ticket (slt)
If you're honest there can be a hole inside you that no-one else, nothing else can fill
some say that religion or spirituality is a crutch for those who need one, for me it's
quite the opposite, that feeling on a saturday morning when you've just woken up
knowing you've got the whole day to do whatever it is you feel like doing not just
going to work as usual or whatever, the feeling inside you get when you put on
a tune you love and dance your ass off, singing out loud, prancing about like x
When i asked for a spiritual lottery ticket there was no charge no fee it's free
except that you have to put a lot of hard work in to get rid of the old habits
that filled that hole inside, like sex for the sake of it, comfort eating, lots
of things you did in the past to feel full up, content, others can fill it up
but usually i found that it was on my own in nature that i felt fullest
felt like the finest expression of who i really am and now others
too make me feel that way, make me feel energised, happier
than the baseline contentment i felt with the simple things
the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter in
spite of my own mistakes making it seem dimmer
making me feel like im making old mistakes so
i keep on going, knowing i ticked the box
that says 'Anonymity Please' so that
i can continue without any fear
of reapercushions except the
ones i deserve for letting
pride come b4 a fall
The odds stacked
in my favour the
only obstacle
fear itself.
I'm full

Thursday 9 January 2014

what is this?

what is this? prides fucking with me...
a what is this kick in didmarton football was whatever you could manage when the ball came at you suddenly from an awkward angle, usually behind you... you deal with it by responding with an upward motion and using the heel of you boot to kick it as close as you can towards or away from the goal... nothing too fancy react quickly and get rid of it or score

so somethings come back from the summer and i have yet to see how it works out, a traffic incident and now it seems like more than that but what is it? well i dont know but i wont worry, just wait and see and clear out all the things within that resonate with how i felt that day, how concerned.

feeling again as though my insides were melting, drawn to my navel
like heavier matter moving faster through a stream of molten lava
inexorably ha long word spelt right first time, i've been slipping
lately i've been slipping forwards and backwards through my
life times, ages i was will be am now mostly and also the
letting go of attachment to my feelings to
the greatest secret no-one told me about or seems to accept is...

what is it? it's energy, we are energy, life is energy, energy is life x
all ive done is let my fingers do the talking and through that letting
go to let things flow my higher aspects hidden in my brain, mind
body, heart especially, and yes spirit, soul, mi corazon y alma
my worst trip was the best being god from the beginning to
the end of time for 8 hours i barely remember anything
i drugged myself (unknown bad morning cocktail)
kidnapped myself and godnapped myself into
ranting and raving quite a bit still dont really
know what i did except that i was playing
cats cradle with the fabric of existence
literally unravelling the timelines the
strings of the universe until there
was just one overiding sound
and picture one string one
timeline one destination
the clarion call of the
divine and golden
love of all of
creation so
let there
be light
when i
type it
comes through me my higher self from wher'ver
it is we're headead
heart centred

Wednesday 8 January 2014

50 / 50

been watching some pretty gritty movies along with some adventurous wild rides passing time and so i thought i'd cheer myself up a little and stuck on 50 / 50 only to find out Seth Rogan's there to help his friend through his
journey after a cancer diagnosis oops oh well it worked though and
i'm not bitter although i talk sometimes as though i'm hurting it's all
actually very healing, part of my desire to toughen up, see what
the worlds really like, i've done lots of things faced lots of fears
ok there are loads of bits of that monster still to go i know
but one thing i also know is that cancer is a symptom
of the environment we live in, which is a symptom
of the way we've treated this planet and each
other in the past and are still doing so now,
genes may suggest a possibility but they
are only expressed within the place we
live in or the way we live in that place
ultimately we are all sicker than we
ought to be, sometimes because
we keep things in we should let
out often times it's all of those
things and feelings we never
expressed that eventually
make us suffer in some
way, for me it's all a process towards ending suffering my own and that of anyone on the same journey i hope it helps you it certainly does me and that it's worth my sharing the short term pain for what i see as long term gains, short term associations and long ones, whether i met you today or have known you for years, when it comes down to brass tacks we will learn
from this and i'm always hopeful for the future whatever that brings us all

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close was an awesome watch I think you'd really enjoy it... Then Short Term 12 about a unit for kids with no families...

When someone keeps pushing eventually you stay pushed but really you ought to give them time to open up to someone, even if it isn't you. For me personally people are always telling me things, getting them off their chests, strangers a lot of the time in environments where their inhibitions are gone temporarily and I would never say a word, except to help someone else to see that we all need to unburden ourselves, we all need to trust someone again if we're ever going to be free and clear of our pasts.

It's been hard for me over the past few years to be open about who I am, when i'm so open for others mainly because i think i got used to staying quiet, not challenging the opinions of those around me, who feel judged by me because I don't approve of the way they do things, how they deal with things, the fact that they insist on complicating simple problems, rationalising their way into a bigger mess rather than dealing with the problem at hand once and for all, putting a plaster on a wound that needs to be reopened.

I guess when you have been hurt by or hurt someone you love it's an easy habit to get into, not giving anyone else the chance to hurt you again. In the end you have to let it all go, get it all out otherwise you're no good for anyone and i have let it all go or at least gotten in touch with it again and myself. Doesn't mean everything's gonna be ok from now on, bad things and good things, though they seem so at the time really are all just a part of life, it's never going to be fair until someone says NO and doesn't pass it on.

Until we all heal from our wounds and move on, learn not to make the same mistakes again for the sake of ourselves not others, although they'll benefit, learn to live again even though we fear getting hurt again by someone close. Sometimes it takes someone else to make you dare, or it's you that gives a person a chance to feel like they can trust another human again. Thankyou for being there for me and thankyou for letting me be there
for you

Monday 6 January 2014

animal magic

to a dog your hands are also your mouth
in our world it is your hands that feed them
in theirs it is the jaws of their mothers fathers

so when they say dont bite the hand that feeds,
if you're with a dog and it looks like its gonna attack
most of the time its just nervous you're big and scary
kneel down into a ball draw everything in relax wait
you can look down but still see and if it gets close
without becoming calmer and coming to sniff a
slightly outstretched fist turned down so that
the knuckles, that it sees as your snout can
pretend to strike out when you use your
bark to see it off until it calms down x
if it's horses in a field running at you
stand still wait for them to split and
go either side of you they're just
scared really of something new
in their environment as we all
can be in a new place with
new people dont go to
them relax and have
fun and they'll come
to you when they're
good and ready we're
all inquisitive at heart so
let them ask the questions
you answer

im a chimp a bonobo actually

that watered down happy clappy chimp echkart tolle was sort of right about
suffering when you get down deep down you do see every moment as either something to commiserate or celebrate yay it's now whoopee
ok so while im in the now which master yoda said i should be
and not at the expense of it, although i've half an eye
on a glimmering future like twinkling stars in front
of all of us and we can get there by finding out
how to do just that be here now and there
all at once and never in the past 'cept
to let go of all that drama and pain
and live in love with life and love
not things or people, places
so much as loving that
they are, not what
they are, who
they are
is love

Friday 3 January 2014

cadeuceus seduceus deuce us juice us

Physician heal thyself
never even thought,
just i got so used to
massaging away all
aches and pains, it
never occurred to
use my healing on
me too.... Hands
make 'light work'
of all, sights, for
sore eros eyes
never thought
to heal myself
it's for others
but if you
say so

When i say healing i meaning listening
my hands listen, my ears and eyes
listen to every thing your body
is saying that you are not so
dont worry unless you say
it i wont hear it just the
signs and signals that
you stopped feeling
the return answer
from because it
didn't give up
it got quieter
so that you,
will have to
listen hard
when you

Thursday 2 January 2014

it was said that gaining the knowledge of good and evil by eating the forbidden fruit was the reason for being thrown out of the garden...  that's just another negative viewpoint on a positive truthpoint

for me i would say it was gaining the knowledge of good and evil
that began my journey back there to freedom from temptation

once you know the truth of yourself
your good and bad points exposed

you can do something about them
but not until they've been shown

to you by yourself by
the self examination

or having someone
else you trust say

listen hard
play hard

love hard
love easy

the knowledge of good and evil wasnt the fall it was losing that knowledge that was

the apple doesnt fall far from the tree of life
ill flu for one day might have been someone elses aches pains its my sugary diet so white sugars out! im not giving up cacao products though or cow products but i dont eat beef she's sacred but so are the other animals and Swami Prabhupada's food always sounded so good, tasty, vegetarian, sweet, full of energy and love life giving not taking food for the one

rollercoaster not so much nye was hardest without trying or taking anything i received my blessings in the form of feeling 6 again and scared to talk to people to connect and then home from village ghosts to secure well all i can say is that my body body got converted wholesale into the fruit of the gods

i was and am still being changed for the better less thinking more doing

inside and out i know what i have to do for the world to change

by me being

me more


plus et en vous
more is in you
more love
more life

Wednesday 1 January 2014

captain sensible - revirginated reflowered...

bollox ergh argh ok bugger it .... phew relax
yesterday i was scraped out like a barrel
wasnt feeling it at all much if anything
went back to younger years felt like
felt a younger me with old ghosts
trailing me in the place where i
grew up supposedly erm
yeah so energetically my
belly and erm i was re-
flowered you could
say in that my
navel and
felt so