Friday 24 January 2014


the great world tree, of life, the tree of life, our family tree...

in shamanic traditions a tree represents (this is going to be short ok) ;)

three different worlds are represented there, the world of the fruit and leaves and sky
the world of the trunk and living bark skin and the peace and harmony in the garden
the world of the rabbit hole we all fell down when we forgot the knowledge of evil

we could be so much better than we are but we're scared to be amazing

scared to make others feel bad because we're feeling so good

you see their scowling faces as the can't reflect

the love of life they see in our eyes

the way we live every moment

as if it was our last and

in so doing really



erm yeah so dhamm dippa, I'm v passionate about vipassana xxxxx

i fitted more pieces of the jigsaw together thanks to new friends

to finding my head hurting as my brain let go of it's need

to think it's in control when it's not we are in the body

we feel every sensation but block out so much to

give us some breathing space from others who

darken our world in their own way wihout

often knowing why we don't spend time

with them, oh my can't they see it as

clear as the way they must feel the

opposite to those of us so free and

happy for no reason not knowing

why or needing a reason living

in a way that makes no sense

to people knowing they'd

like the same feeling if

only we would teach

them when they

already know


a loving



um dhammit sorry bad joke well meant, erm incredible hard Hard HARD

i faced morning tuesday on the seventh day when i should be relaxing ;)

wednesday thursday as my desire to leave instead of facing myself

meant i stayed, and in the moment changed my attitude to smiling

through it all, seeing everything as a positive even if i don't know

quite why yet, I don't need to know as long as everything kesps

rolling so freely no moss no attachment to experience because

you're not imagining it anymore or remembering it you're

living it


sorry, life the universe and everything part two, so yeah shamanically as a species and who knows the planet, we fell into hele the root of the word hell, where lessons are taught that either torture you or set you free when you renounce your evil ways and choose to life a moral life, a true life, loving.

and when you do everything is transformed around you, it's all heavenly except the bad bits

which are inevitable, into each life some rain may fall, get wet it feels great.  Get cold.

walk in the elements until you crave shelter, company and the comfort of warmth.

we can learn our lessons, be good, and ultimately climb out of the rabbit hole

in the centre of our minds, the labyrinth of legend is there within us don't

go there without a thread of the golden fleece of love in your heart

get scared, trip, meditate, do loads of weird spiritual things

dont get caught up in one, try em all and see what works

what gives you the goosebumps again what makes

your skin crawl at the prospect, opens you up
makes you face your public speaking fear

your fear of failure try it you might love

it only to find whenever you think

you are lost that love is lost that

you will never feel happy again

you will find every time a spark

of something pure that saves you

it is you, it's a spark of pure divinity

that fights back knowing its falling back

into a world it would like to leave with all

everyone we've ever loved but we cant, we've

you go when it's our time and face it with hope a leap

of faith in something more that you find when you look

not for love

giving love

in what you

do say and be


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