Friday 10 January 2014

on a ragga tip

Spiritual Lottery Ticket (slt)
If you're honest there can be a hole inside you that no-one else, nothing else can fill
some say that religion or spirituality is a crutch for those who need one, for me it's
quite the opposite, that feeling on a saturday morning when you've just woken up
knowing you've got the whole day to do whatever it is you feel like doing not just
going to work as usual or whatever, the feeling inside you get when you put on
a tune you love and dance your ass off, singing out loud, prancing about like x
When i asked for a spiritual lottery ticket there was no charge no fee it's free
except that you have to put a lot of hard work in to get rid of the old habits
that filled that hole inside, like sex for the sake of it, comfort eating, lots
of things you did in the past to feel full up, content, others can fill it up
but usually i found that it was on my own in nature that i felt fullest
felt like the finest expression of who i really am and now others
too make me feel that way, make me feel energised, happier
than the baseline contentment i felt with the simple things
the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter in
spite of my own mistakes making it seem dimmer
making me feel like im making old mistakes so
i keep on going, knowing i ticked the box
that says 'Anonymity Please' so that
i can continue without any fear
of reapercushions except the
ones i deserve for letting
pride come b4 a fall
The odds stacked
in my favour the
only obstacle
fear itself.
I'm full

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