Wednesday 8 January 2014

50 / 50

been watching some pretty gritty movies along with some adventurous wild rides passing time and so i thought i'd cheer myself up a little and stuck on 50 / 50 only to find out Seth Rogan's there to help his friend through his
journey after a cancer diagnosis oops oh well it worked though and
i'm not bitter although i talk sometimes as though i'm hurting it's all
actually very healing, part of my desire to toughen up, see what
the worlds really like, i've done lots of things faced lots of fears
ok there are loads of bits of that monster still to go i know
but one thing i also know is that cancer is a symptom
of the environment we live in, which is a symptom
of the way we've treated this planet and each
other in the past and are still doing so now,
genes may suggest a possibility but they
are only expressed within the place we
live in or the way we live in that place
ultimately we are all sicker than we
ought to be, sometimes because
we keep things in we should let
out often times it's all of those
things and feelings we never
expressed that eventually
make us suffer in some
way, for me it's all a process towards ending suffering my own and that of anyone on the same journey i hope it helps you it certainly does me and that it's worth my sharing the short term pain for what i see as long term gains, short term associations and long ones, whether i met you today or have known you for years, when it comes down to brass tacks we will learn
from this and i'm always hopeful for the future whatever that brings us all

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