Monday 5 March 2018

Vision quest tres

Now I'm in a hostal sitting back in bed totally loving the luxury after three days or more of heavy rain put paid to the freedom of living from day to day and moment to moments.

I like to visit spiritual sites and see the sights so I've explored and learnt the city for myself to connect hose places I knew and needed to know for fruits and vegetables and healthy beginnings to come back with investments of money and time in myself and Healing work for those here and back home from a distance.

So next is reconnection to the energies I am feeling right now spreading like a rush like a tingling from my toes up to my waist and I know that if I lay out it will reach my crown.

Because I have spent the day sayin goodbye to foods eatin them one last time I connect to a future already preexisting that I can live and feel now where I have lessened my need to eat through meditation and the learning that comes from a process of choosing to be more conscious of food and drink and behaviour.

So for the full moon a few days ago I created in a symbolic sense a feeling and a place of sacred energy to be given over to those who wish to honestly share their truth and stories and we did that and I faced my temptations and addictions of old rearing their heads and I find them to be necessary as with so many things to show me what I don't want in my life.

After a night out on the town and a tiny nightclub experience which we a great chance to dance but ultimately a waste of money but a lesson nonetheless in time management I then went and did the English pub experience and found it a tourist trap and very basic which was good as again it reminded me why I don' do that sort of thing anymore these days.

Churros and chocolate the last two days has go to be an exception I enjoyed it so much but as with so many things from the past as you grow and change they no longer feel right or have the same effect somehow losing their appeal.

In the case of the above Spanish traditional breakfast I loved it so much again and again.

The social aspect I see of friends meetin to connect before their day begins and this is love in action and a very beautiful  atmosphere.

Ultimately though I know there are things I can do and choose not to anymore and some experiences teach me to leave others behind.

So onwards and upwards and lettin go to make space for the new and refreshing and exciting.

Feeling the transformational energy of creation in action the pleasing heart led decision to face facts and take a different path knowing it's the right thing for me and all as this is my focus. What is good for everyone?

Spain in the rain part deux

So my friend went away and in the meantime we went to two incredible raw food potluck something I had never heard of before at all.  I brought a whole papaya to the first and after trying someones raw vegan cake I got the recipe and created my own version for the second one as a thankyou present to Seany.

I learnt so much in such a short time I am really a changed person with so many lessons providing me with the fuel for the fire of transformation and creation to face old habits patterns and programming to question my ways of being to ask myself am I repeating myself from an earlier age because of trauma or a felt need to avoid harsh words or even the fear of failure or even communication itself.

So I have eaten a lot of crap since then and sugary stuff and beers and tapas with meat and basically conciously taken a few back steps like saying goodbye to an old friend or relationship that ought to end by leaving some things to be consigned to the past forever.

To heal I have met someone who has fasted only consuming a little water and one piece of fruit in eleven days and I believed her when she said that it was like becomin the air so that you feel a part of everthing again as we once were you see I feel like we left the garden by eating the wrong things only to find ourselves no longer the part of nature we meant to play to be to feel to experience to evolve into us.

I have enjoyed a weekend off where I had to book a room in a hostal to get out of the rain and avoid everything getting very wet along with all my things. Challenging myself to see the stuff I have as less and less important and accept that if I am well and I have my health my time and my freedom that is all I need.

Vision Quest in Spain and Rain Comes in

Arriving at night into Nerja bus station which is a slightly grand way of saying to a bus stop I choose to walk to Cuevas de Nerja near Maro where my friend is stayin looking after a finca.

It's an end to an incredible day that began with tears as I took off and saw the clouds from above and a conversation with an ex pat couple one from the UK the other from Iran.

Being described as a free spirit makes me see things about my trip that I hadn't yet and wide eyed about every aspect of the journey I make my way to the home of my friend but it's late.

Flea infested accommdation doesn' sound like the Dream I was lookin for so I go down to the beach to spend my first night there instead to find a fire drawing me in despite my fears.

Young people around it from England Belgium Estonia Germany and me from wherever I am from and right now I'm from here so I settle in and by morning I have friends on the beach.

So the next day dawns after a lengthy conversation with an incredibly young and enthusiastic and creative entrepreneurial individual who I will know as Frantz.

I felt an energy about the place when I walked past all the fincas which I take to mean the bits of land and buildings set aside and divided up into gardens greenhouses and irrigation.

Life soon settles into a routine of eating fresh fruits and vegetables on shopping trips to town with my friend Sean who has been here two months and on a previous trip a few years ago.

That and sunbathin on the beach eating the recycled food which is anything the young folks have gathered that is being thrown out by the supermarkets or market traders that day.

Sleepin in the back of a car as it's cold at night becomes the normal I work in the garden of the massage yoga reining centre for something to do and to pass the time and feel more useful.

Trips to town are mesmerising and take hours walking from one place to another seeking ripe fruits and vegetables of quality from the only ecological shop and certain grocers.

It takes us all over the place to the home of what my friend calls the grandmothers a series of women selling produce from their doorstep and by week two I've discovered another one.

So the sights and smells and locals and tourists and travellers and passers by and van dwellers and local bar and source of spring water become part of my life too fitting them all in.

I had known I was to take myself off on a vision quest before I left the plane it became apparent sonic said as much and packed a bag with little food and water for three days also.

I hiked from our home with no phone or tech just a backpack sleeping bag and a little energy of nervousness and excitement and the thrill of adventure rushing as I chose to leave then.

I drank and walked up and into the smaller foothills to pockets of tiny by lower altitude conifers on rocky slopes of herbs growin wild and free together Lavender Thyme Rosemary.

Reaching a point high and far away from the noise of the roads I felt I'd gone far enough to make myself a little nest under one of the conifers near the top of one of the foothills.

Sleeping bag laid out I got as comfortable as I could on a bed of needles and dried mud amongst the rocks and branches as I layed back my head cleared and visual images came.

Drifting off into sleep tired from all the steep climbing I woke often to empty out the spring water and each time it was from dreams that scare and inspire but certainly teach us much.

Bringing dream worlds to life and learning from the experiences that come only to need them in the future whether distant or near and although not well rested arrivin within so well.

I was tired when the next day began early with meditation and alarms to remind me to send healing to someone at home via the distant healing technique of connecting and sending.

Sayin my prayer to connect then set an intention for it to go where it needs to whatever they need it for allowing myself to be empty of thoughts only for solutions to arrive.

To stay cold with no food would be foolish I knew it was best to travel down and although three days and nights became one night I had aimed for the stars reaching the moon happily.

As I came down a different path sometimes seein the same sights and also discovering new things like the carcass of a goat I felt reborn and healed and new and capable.

It was the adventure I was seeking and so muh more and I am so glad that I took myself off to experience it before the weather turned in the second week but more about that later.

So beach life consisted of washing self and clothes in the surf the views of crystal clear waters and sand to lay on to soak up the sun connected body and soul to the elements.

The naked young women doin yoga and their morning routines standing in their power was a beautiful feeling and inspired me to get into the water and lay there free of all outer layers.

Sunbathing by getting in touch with your skin as the suns rays nourish and cleanse your energy  and body completely as the salt water and sand feed your need for minerals aswell.

Meetin so many folk of different walks of life being as polite to the locals and looking as wild and free as I felt in my hippy trousers and shirts and the rhythm of fetchin spring water.