Thursday 31 December 2009

"I Ain't Dissin You At All, Since You've Been Gone... Away" / je ne veux de mal à personne, juste plus d'amour pour tous - Associate With Your Shadow

“I Ain’t Dissin You At All, Since You’ve Been Gone… Away” / I don’t wish harm on any one, just more love for all

I don’t really know what I’m going to write yet, I just liked the title… That should be on my gravestone. I mostly come up with what I think is an amusing play on words and it’s usually subconsciously associated with or bloody obviously linked to whatever is going on or I’m thinking about lately. This case, well the only thing I can think to jot down is that I don’t wish anyone any harm. In fact I wish everyone well. You’re forever changed once you realise that you are a part of them and they a part of you and that goes for the ecosystem, the planet as a whole, the solar system, galaxy, universe (Um yeah, everything in so called existence basically baby!). To wish any living thing harm would be like cutting off my nose to spite my face or slashing my own wrists. As for whether I manage not to have thoughts of an angry, aggressive or even violent nature at times, I don’t entirely, depending on who or what it is that has pissed me off and how badly.

Moe tells Homer, “I’m a well-wisher, in that I don’t wish you any specific harm”. (Go on! Do your own impression of Moe saying that, mine was bollocks but sounded much better in my head, like most things ;-)


Associate With Your Shadow

I used to howl at the moon, not regularly (I don’t have George’s time of the Month issue from Being Human, as far as I knowwwwwoooooo) although I probably have once or twice because I used to like a good howl when I was younger. There was a long period during which I wasn’t in touch with nature as I had been when I was a kid. This isn’t a sob story I don’t do those, but I was quite lonely at times as a kid because I was painfully shy, like almost autistic shy, and it’s not a situation that’s gone away I just learned to cope with it by being brash and loud. I’ve toned that down as much as I can because I don’t want to be the centre of attention any more for the wrong reasons and because my ego is undergoing a much desired and controlled demolition. I can do the things that I don’t like doing and usually pretty damn well, false confidence starts to look like the real thing and can even become it when you practice often enough.

Sure it was fun to use my natural quick wit in large social groups, which is completely out of my control by the way, I assume it developed over time as a defence mechanism to keep me from having to engage in conversation, I could come out with a one liner and walk off, extricate myself from what I saw as a threat, an inconvenience, ugh communication. Anyway the comedy routine is worked out for me like the solution to a puzzle by my shadow almost instantaneously. Of course, I don’t mean the dark impression that follows us everywhere and re-integrates with us when the lights go out, I’m talking about your shadow mind, the subconscious. The part we are taught to be wary or afraid of, our animal nature, what some might refer to as our true selves but not a part that we should associate with, or try to integrate into what we call ourselves, the me, the I.

I’ve probably annoyed if not confounded many people with the way that I’ve always lived my life. I go with what I feel never what I think I know or the seemingly obvious and logical solution (sorry Spock I gotta go with my gut on this one). If I don’t have the right ‘feeling’ about a situation, party, night out, whatever, I won’t go. I’ve also turned down things based on cowardice or said yes to things based on false bravado and made all sorts of stupid mistakes, done things that I knew at the time were wrong, the wrong choice, the wrong way. One man’s coincidence is another man’s synchronicity. The number of times that things have fallen into place for me in such a sweet way are forgotten but not the instinct and insight that perhaps we are meant to be in that feeling all of the time. Our lives following a natural course. There can be no life without death and a few bumps in the road along the way between the two destinations are unavoidable, they try to knock you off course, it’s so much harder to be good than bad. Bad is so pitifully easy. When did you last hear someone say they’d succumbed to the temptation to do something good?

The subconscious mind is like a symbiotic bio-mechanical nano-technological factory. You put forward the production design specifications. If given a fair following wind, there’s a fifty fifty chance that tomorrow you will wake up in a good mood or a bad mood, what you are communicating to your shadow, the terms and status of your relationship with what is basically the rest of you that you deny, ignore or fill with everything you wish would just go away like bad thoughts, bad memories, bad emotions, what you’re putting in there decides what it spits out in despatch. Listen to moody music all the time and your buddy the shadow tells the physical brain to produce moody bastard chemicals which affect your mood and can affect your health which in turn affects your mood which affects your shadow’s current order list. It will do whatever you want it to, it’s entirely up to you what you want to put out to market. Before you fall asleep, tell it to remember your dreams and write them down as soon as you wake up, reading them back after a month is a shock, after a year a triumph or another shock. Everyone knows some clever clogs who can tell themselves what time to wake up or some such nonsense, that’s the point it isn’t nonsense it works you just have to try. They say that humans only use 10% of their brain capacity, from what I’ve seen I’d say that was being generous (I hope that makes you angry). Maybe we’re just not in touch with the other 90%?

When I’m in nature regularly I get the answers to all my questions, I’m shown the way that I need to proceed or given hope that if I hold on, if I’m willing to be patient things will resolve themselves in due course. When to Fold, when to Call, When to Raise and most importantly of all, WHEN TO HOWL AT THE MOON…

Light n Love

diss definition
1. Diss is a town (population 6742 ) in Norfolk, England close to the border with the neighbouring East Anglian county of Suffolk.
2. an insult or put-down; to put (someone) down, or show disrespect by the use of insulting language or dismissive behaviour; for dissertation
3. is an insult to someone, or to insult someone. This hip hop term is an evolved (read shortened) version of “disrespect”

subconscious definition
1. subconscious mind: psychic activity just below the level of awareness
2. The term subconscious is used in many different contexts and has no single or precise definition. This greatly limits its significance as a meaning-bearing concept, and in consequence the word tends to be avoided in academic and scientific settings. (I love that)
3. A mental process which occurs without awareness, or conscious perception on the part of the individual.

associate definition
transitive verb associated -·at′ed, associating -·at′·ing
1. to join together; connect; combine
2. to bring (a person) into relationship with oneself or another as companion, partner, friend
3. to connect in the mind to associate rain with grief

disassociate definition
transitive verb disassociated -·at′ed, disassociating -·at′·ing
1. to sever association with; separate; dissociate

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Equilibrium - The Whole Truth and nothing but OR 3 Weeks and 3 Years

Mood: amused

Equilibrium is sought everywhere in the Universe. Hot things cool, Cold things warm up, discrimination becomes positive discrimination and eventually into a state of balance. Feminism has gone too far and emasculated Men, eventually we too will be in balance with each other. It isn’t right for one sex to have precedence over another, one species, race or creed to think itself superior to another. One day all of these things will come into alignment like Ice melting or steam condensing to become water.

Are we still evolving? Despite the fact that Natural selection has for the most part gone out of the window, my answer is a definite YES

What into you say? Who knows…


I’ve stopped short of saying what I actually believe, either because I was (and am still) not entirely sure what that is or because I didn’t want to lay all my cards on the table for everyone to see until I had a hand and had decided what to fold. I really don’t care what anyone thinks anymore so that is freeing me up to let you in on it, The Whole Truth as I see it.

I don’t say ‘I told you so’ when I’m proved right, I think it and let you off…

I know someone who is convinced that the world will end in 2012, 3 weeks and 3 years from today on or around the 21st of December 2012 (The Winter Solstice - The shortest day and funnily enough 10 days after my Fortieth Birthday). The Mayan Calendar does indeed finish then, but no-one said anything about Armageddon, just about Apocalypse (both defined below for those that assume their definition is already correct and are wrong like I was). The Bible speaks of The End of Days being a period of Famine, Natural Disasters, Disease and War, I’d say we were there now but how can you tell the difference?

I think 2012 will mark the end of Time as we know it and if that means the end of the World as we know it too, then maybe we’re both right.

The problem here is that I too had a sense of dread and a feeling of helplessness for a long time about whatever is coming, and trust me something big is on it’s way, my instincts are only ever wrong about people not things like this. If we’re all connected in the way that I believe we are, an example of which would be the way that a bird will learn a new skill like Blue tits robbing cream from Milk Bottle tops and that skill will be transferred to other Blue Tits quicker than if they were learning it from another individual and passing it on, soon they all know the trick, too soon. Or the way that several people from different countries, from different continents even will come up with the same scientific discoveries or world changing ideas at the same time, obviously I’m referring to the past before we could annoy everyone we know constantly with our mobiles and the internet.

You could say that it is a coincidence when things like that happen, or that it was an obvious next step given what has come before for more than one person to come to the same conclusion at the same time and that’s up to you, I know different…

There are a couple of possible futures and a tipping point when one or the other will become inevitable for you. What you think is coming will help decide that for you, stay positive, immerse yourself in nature, endeavour to live the right way, ignore outside influences that aggravate you or exacerbate an already tense situation in the offing.

I still don’t know if it is The Anti-Christ and the second coming of Jesus, invasion by Aliens or first contact, or a Cosmic calamity but one thing is certain, Change Is Coming and the first signs are already here if you’re looking for them and not assuming that they have anything to do with our activities on this planet. I like to think of the latter as symptoms of our sickness, our disconnection from and the damage we’ve already done to Mother Earth, the other things are signs of what’s to come, a great upheaval. The simplest way I can put this is you’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelette. The universe and our planet have been here for 13 and a bit billion and 3.5 billion years respectively, we’ve been here diddly squat in comparison.

Every other animal, creature, substance, conciousness in all forms simple and complex is still a part of every natural cycle and most importantly of all obeys every natural law that exists, except the majority of us. Become reconnected or risk getting left behind when the train leaves the station on it’s final journey to where Gandalf described:-

“End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path… One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass… And then you see it.”

The Veil will be lifted, The masked magician will reveal Magic’s greatest secrets, The Wizard of Oz will appear from behind the curtain and turn out to have been us all, all along…

You can stay in your comatosed state, showing off like a Human Peacock or a BowerBird lining an avenue with gaudy baubels to try to attract a mate, feathering your nest with trinkets, self medicating like an Ostrich with it’s head in the sand to avoid thinking about things or you can WAKE UP NOW!!!


1. The place where the final battle will be fought between the forces of good and evil.
2. The scene of a decisive conflict on a great scale.
3. Any great and crucial conflict.


From Ancient Greek ἀποκάλυψις “revelation”, from ἀπό, from, and κάλυψο, secret. Because of the subject matter of the Bible book of the same name, and it being the last book of the Bible, it has come to be associated with “ending.”

Revelation and secret being the operative words need not suggest evil which is generally due to developmental injury or a predisposition genetically and bad choices. Look at how many prison inmates have latent brain damage from violent child abuse, mental illness or suffer from drug addiction. Many suffering an upbringing that shouldn’t exist in our so called Civilised First World. We’re just as much to blame for the evil that exists in the world if we do nothing about it when it can be prevented.

Does Evil exist elsewhere in nature? Predators kill, prey succumbs. Nature is variation on a huge scale… Show me a bad dog, I’ll show you a bad owner. I admit that Chimps behave intolerably towards and even kill their own species, but they’re 98% the same genetically to us, and it’s usually only ever about territory, there’s another similarity. Aren’t we murdering people for resources and so called security, from a threat we’ve only managed to increase and losing our young men and women in the process? We left the garden of Eden a very long time ago, maybe it’s time to finally go back…

We’re no better than Tribespeople, we’ve come nowhere good from the nomads and hunter gatherers that we were, in fact if you look at how hard their lives were (and are still where they can manage to co-exist in an ever shrinking world) but paradoxically how happy and contented they’re existence. We’ve made a retrograde step in the name of progress. When we didn’t have to have pets or make special trips or take things called holidays to see some animals or countryside and feel like a part of the animal kingdom again, to resume our connection to Mother Nature.

We have to take a stand in every arena of our lives, not worry about our own safety which is rarely if ever at risk in reality despite the growing tide of fear and make a difference in the lives of others and in turn ourselves. The whole Bee situation whether we caused it by masking the flower pollen from them with pollution or not, is a case in point, Einstein said 3-4 years after they go so do we and it looks like he’s right but he couldn’t come up with a Theory of everything that links the very tiny with the very Huge.

The Planet is an organism, so are we and so are bacteria, I’d say that was a Theory of everything. Fractals exist in nature from the shape of Galaxies to the shells of the tiniest mollusc, we are connected. Reminded of that in dreams and on psychedelic journeys, when we can’t help but be what we truly are instead of what others say or we’ve come to believe.

It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. Sorry I couldn’t help putting a quote from Star Wars in there. Maybe that date will come and go and nothing will happen, personally I’ll blame the Popes who fucked about with the Calendar, for all we know it’s 1996 or 2012 already…

If you don’t care you don’t matter anymore or you soon won’t and that’s not a threat unless it’ll get you off your arse, it’s an educated guess.

Whatever you think, we’re bound together, our fates our linked.

Light n Love