Monday 31 October 2016

All Hallows Eve

Getting in there before October is up otherwise I wouldn't have posted anything at all this month.

Do I have to live with what I'm going through until normality becomes well normal again?

Can I wait until a baseline returns after all the years of abuse of my mental space?

Anyway whatever, I don't live in Belgium or The Netherlands where I could...

Just say I've had enough of life and I would like to die please doctor...

Seems a shame but if you've had suicidal ideation, that's thoughts..

Your whole adult life, I've been depressed a long time though.

You know, feeling as though I don't want to join in at all.

Avoiding any opportunity to socialise apart from drink.

Drugs, back to those again, well hey it was fun.

It really was while it lasted, in some ways.

It got me spending time with a friend.

It got me skint a lot of the time.

Stealing or rather borrowing.

Money for petrol but then.

Using it to buy drugs.

Not no more now.

Now I've got money.

In the bank and savings.

A brighter future by any measure.

A few health issues like I had before.

But I'm treating myself better than ever.

Even my dental health routine is improved.

Added all sorts of healthy ingredients and things.

Started making my own crisps and eating lots of fruit.

We'll see I keep coming back to that old chestnut, hmm sweet.

Sweet Chestnuts I ought to go and see if I can gather some out there.

Eating the apples, reading a book that mirrors my own life is so many ways.

Micronutrients are the way forward apparently, for mental health issues and B12.

It's the thoughts that appear to be someone elses that are kind of worrying they say OCD.

Folks with that can have all sorts of thoughts I drowned them out with the cannabis so I'm on CBD.

Ordered some up, with fancy and airy fairy sounding things done to it, bio dynamic, organic, hemp oil.

It's a wonder cure for people who have seizures, all sorts of conditions benefit from it's properties, I'm hooked. On loving myself enough to care what my actions means for others, to think of them first, to heal myself and learn how to help others to heal, the elements of the spiritual life are out there to say the least.

Filling in gaps in the knowledge that I seemed to come to on my own, appeared from the void, came to me, from sources here and there, energy felt, felt again only now I'm clean and sober and addicted to being so.

Straight and narrow, seems to upset the part of me that doesn't like me very much and I like that so I'll keep on with the things that I'm doing, meeting the monsters at night in my dreams and finding there's nothing to be scared of, changing negative self talk to positives, changing all sorts of things from lead to gold, alchemically.

I talk nonsense less, there was a period between sleeping and waking where I would fanatasise, now it seems to be more of a case of wonderful things I could do like starting an organic co-operative somewhere.

Where all sorts of fruit and vegetables could be grown, horses could live to be ridden and retired, compost composted to grow the produce, herb garden planted and tended, natures healing herbs gathered respectfully and learnt about, the future is bright really it is and some aspect doesn't like it.

So I send it love and try not to be scared by this animal that would like to strike out, sending love, accessing it within for the first time in who knows when, all those years ago when I lost someone and had to be strong?

Who knows, I do go on.




Monday 17 October 2016

bing bong yin yang song

po et ry by me
psy cho sis is you see
overlaying your mental state on
to everyone elses so called reality and
once you do you believe everything you see
and hear and touch and taste and feel is oh so true
the thing is that it is real to you and just not to them too
which is why they freak out and try to get you helped but
i told you before when i've seen someone in that state
be kind to them, hold them, speak to them and wait
ask them what their name is, normal, easy stuff
don't be rough or drug them but hug them
and one day they will be able to relate
again, as long as they learn why...
then they're going to be great
again and maybe one day
if they don't make the
same mistakes...a
healer like they
said all along
and strong
this is my
song so

Saturday 15 October 2016

Dreams connect the unconcious self to the waking mind

So my dreams are getting as vivid and detailed as ever they were but now whether merely because someone said that this can happen or because im gaining in confidence, im getting better each day as i learn more.

It was said that connections could be made, brain patterns, neurons firing in new ways, such as fears and phobias, if you can get on a plane in a dream you can do so in the waking world and it goes on from there.

So I write my dreams down as i used to, i had a dream diary for years, it was a beautiful little book, with covers and a little bookmark in the form of a strip of silky material and designs that looked hand drawn.

Now I have a new dream journal and i do reality checks daily, looking at my hands, making sure to become more and more aware, of my surroundings, so that when i'm dreaming i'll realise it and become lucid.

Concious in my dreams, able to become aware, awareness of the fact that i am the dreamer and the dreamed, when waking i hope, i know it will mean i am more capable, already i am pushing boundaries.

Feeling more comfortable in social situations, as i was in a dream the other night, finding out what other versions of myself, hidden memories, parts of my psyche that were forgotten, unused, unclaimed.

The strength to keep on making improvements, in my health, diet, sleep pattern, the way i'm staying away from temptations, situations that may be good but i've got new things to do now, my healing course.

All sorts of things to do, making a herb garden, looking for somewhere to move to, have my own space, keep on top of things that i let get on top of me before, i've felt and seen things come back to me.

Parts of my skills, mental agility, seeing others for who they really are, getting to know folks a little more, showing more interest, being more compassionate, thoughtful, really opening up to life and thinking of others.