Friday 10 January 2014

whatever is working through me makes me feel like a lover, a fighter, a friend, a 60's throwback or a future fucking legend all rolled into one mess called me bleurgh i cant believe ive said all this

two things romance and cut backs - thoughts on those two

romance sucks romantic love is all about ownership and setting yourself up for a fall, surely everyone knows that there is more than one person out there that you could spend the rest of your life with and to suggest otherwise seems like settling, or a chemical imbalance or a sham
maybe that's cos i'm a fucking ex romantic who feels like
there ought to be the freedom to grow and change
and move on and have short and long term
relationships with different people for
different things and lovers and
friendship as the basis of all
our relationships that's
the freedom to live
and grow and be
who you were
meant to be
or summat
like that

cutbacks? austerity? it's another massive load of wanky bollox which is a lie
after all, the rich are getting richer, greed is out of control, none of the rich think they have enough money because they never have enough to be
content, they are always going to find something they want, we know
the feeling of getting what we thought we wanted only to find it's
not made us feel content, the feeling doesn't last, its fleeting
we got that thing we've been wanting, saving for, only
to find the sheen is gone in seconds or minutes
they're out of control and the only thing
that keeps me going is the knowledge
that they are trapped in their own
private hell where nothing is
ever enough, well enough
is enough, you can live
quite happily with a
lot less than you
think, just the
basics, food
shelter and
loving a

i'm hoping that soon, as it appears to me, they will continue infighting and the whole thing will collapse, i'm with the hopis, connect to nature or perish! x

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