Monday 2 March 2015

experiential evidence

i guess there are two options when we die, nothing and something
like everything goes black and there's nothing anymore just that
or there's something else, something good i hope for us all
a place to celebrate what we learnt and what we might
if we come back again to join the long good fight
to change ourselves and the world around
into something not nothing like it is
you see it feels like nothing
when i see you hurt it
or hurt yourself
i feel numb
i can't
leave it there
because someone said
don't do that anymore don't let it
end like that, vanishing into nothing
it feels like you are disappearing that way
why not make it grow like love does when we find
a source, a reason, something in our lives worth more
a driving force, a life worth living, a reason for all this stuff
all this energy and space, the way this place, feels like more
than just here for nothing, but some kind of cosmic accident no!
To me there seems to be some, i've experienced my own evidence x

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