Wednesday 11 March 2015

a light within us can lead us home

you lead yourself home, you take your own hand, when you die and leave this land and when you do, like i did you meet your god self, my name was shakyamuni the bhudda of compassion, but that was then and now i'm just little ol' me and not in a religious sense, though that's the fashion because religion well it stinks, it has so many links to fear and control, tells you that your soul, is something that requires someone else to be your saviour, do yourself a big favour and connect to a higher reality wherein we exist in a beautiful loving garden, i beg your pardon if that destroys your false impression, learn this lesson one last time, leave this hamster wheel behind, rise up to become the person you were meant to be, finally you'll see the truth and that is you can, you will, you ought to, open up, try your luck, what have you got to lose except a false sense of what this place is and who we are, that's why reincarnation brings us back, to find out what we lack, to learn from our mistakes and stop putting on the brakes again because it's so easy to feel like nothing in a space so full of false hope and expectation, this is my revelation, gathered over time painfully, it's mine and mine alone but others say the same things, we've struggled to listen without judgement in the past, the opportunities are vast for transformation and i still don't know why me but when the question is asked the answer comes back fast, you took a leap of faith in you despite all the evidence to the contrary because all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive, the truth is all pervasive and all we need to do is seek and we shall find, become less blind, go forth with a torch inside our hearts and minds and have a stomp to the rhythm of the dance, one last time, forever x

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