Saturday 28 March 2015

cucumber green

as a retail security guard i get to see everything like a microcosm of humanity, from the disabled to the very fit indeed, all shapes and sizes, boobs, bums, tums, but most of all the faces, the eyes, the lives.  People who only come in for a cucumber ;) or just balloons like the lad last night, Noz? I said with a cheeky grin. Wudn't know what that was he replied with a laugh.  Enjoy your evening sir!  So yesterday there was a total bargain due to the date, a curry pack for two, Chicken Jalfrezi and Madras I think, I was sold until I remembered I'm a vegetarian now, or at least someone who doesn't like the idea of eating something that only lived for me to benefit from its death, that didn't live the life it was meant to, was given by nature.  So I'm off back to the grindstone, paying off my debts, keeping my nose clean, learning some valuable lessons, feeling slowly healed as I start to take more care of myself than I  ever have before, really actually giving a shit about myself first, in the hope that soon I can take that out into the world and make a difference for someone else, be the love that I wish to see in the world not go looking for it, be the change x

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