Saturday 10 August 2013

so i was thinking, constipation and concentration, erm they're closely linked, really it's when you relax that things start working for ya, instead of being all screwed up tight and blocked when you let go of your fear of the pain and misery that may ensue and just get on with shitting your way through the obstacles in your way? Either that or sneeze, if ya can't do that then blow your nose, that sounds daft cos it's the completely opposite end but it works. Something you have to turn everything on its head to find the answer Turn your world upside up, not downside down, lookiing on the upside of the infinity mirror

1 comment:

  1. i can't do this alone anymore, you are my inspiration not me.
    done enough i think to deserve a little help from my friends.
    before though i would never ask, my parents, or anyone.
    for anything cos we were poor i was short of loving.
    for myself for you, for anyone a miserable life.
    until i learned that i could do things.
    laugh with friends and ask.
    is there something?
    i can do for you
    and you for
    me too
