Wednesday 28 August 2013

lot of pinches of salt taken lightly

one lot goes left one goes right, the worlds going to hell, the media's concentrating on their own agenda, whilst the planet itself looks like going into meltdown, collapse of the ecosystems, and indeed the death of most of the life from the 6th mass extinction... However, all that said and not done, as much as there are problems, none are insurmountable, a horse a horse my kingdom for a horse, as we gather pace together, we are solving more than we create, the old ways are shouting loudest for healing once and for all, that's why we can't seem to hear about the recovery underway, but we CAN and DO see it happening, in the life coming back from the near death of the seventies, in the continual discovery of cryptids and other previously thought extinct creatures let alone the renewed interest in our ancestors and their possible cousins we've yeti to meet x things are looking up when you ignore both the gloom and the doom, when you see the middle of the road leading to a third destination, not the beginning or end of a journey but the chance to travel forever and a day away from the past, towards the future but living in the moment wherever we are in time and space

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