Tuesday 27 August 2013

incomputer incomplete says no please...   wooing a goddess is blowing my circuits and causing longer than usual refresh rates... god knows i cud do with a freshenup or a helpful five minutes, or maybe longer who knows?
i do x <3 br="" enough="" freak="" girls="" little="" not="" old="" out="" re="" since="" they="" to="" trying="" until="">to need too, two... in need of a good sacral scaring whoo! haha ;) <5 br="">It's me, where are you my little needle? a giants haystacks wrestling
for control of the golden egg, fleeced from er magicksty herself, de
queen pig, old porkers wife, a young sow whose ears make purse
my lips when i feel stuck alone again
a cross to bear and bare it all
a thorn in my many sides
light of ours lifeses
loves of our ages
black rocks into
diamonds etc
dark royals
ark royal
tooth please truth fairy, the whole tooth and nothing the tooth doesn't butt into.  So please let me be in your favour as i wish i may, i wish i might, be visited by your loving grace tonight... <3 :d="" all="" and="" back="" bad="" been="" br="" brought="" cosmic="" dream="" enough...="" every="" final="" flutter="" giggle="" girl="" good="" got="" have="" hee="" i="" if="" in="" ive="" ll="" log="" luvs="" me="" morning="" my="" nbsp="" now="" off="" one="" or="" see="" sending="" sweet="" tee="" the="" to="" turn="" ve="" what="" x="" you="" young="">i know and feel deserves is, that's a total wipeout then
from here to eternity is a very long way
strap yourself in, tightly to your
next door neighbour
your partner in
time, in crime
in lime, so ta
not mor tar
cos it stick
like glues
when we
need to
be free

A l.o.l. what stopped the phat lady singing, made her run for cover, accept it was true and turn a new leaf over into phat country where the music
kills you with kindness softly lulling you into your sleep of the fishes
deep down in the blue, whre all this is new, arisen, arising from
the waters of possibility, the signs, the sounds, the sights, the
smells, the touch of new senses, the smiles all the whiles,
the extra prehensiles, the fights the frauds the lovely ol'
rogues, we match each other perfickly imperfectly.

After all symmetry is a word, assinmetry is even more difficult to translate from one language to another, but not impossible when i would do anything for you my love, anything at all, even forget you and
search the worlds that are constantly created for our
love game, set and match <3 br="" heat="" love="" nbsp="" to="" you="">Heat to love you, warming my cockles
holding you close forever till
you nick the covers
letting in the
light &

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