You come and go oh oh oh...
Best explanation for the meaning of the song that I've found so far was either:-
the song is about fear that people have, the fear of standing up for one thing. It's about trying to suck up to everybody like if you aren't true, if you don't act like you feel, then you get Karma-(justice), that's nature's way of paying you back."
or that the colours red gold and green denote a traffic light?
I fit in easily. Accents, man and womannerisms, temperament, I love nuances. I guess I pick them up and run with them. Not like a collector more like an actor. Frustrated wannabe morelike... ;)
Like a wardrobe of costumes. From people watching to interaction. When there are more moments taken notice of in a given second. There is more bandwidth available for download.
I don't think about it but I notice it later and smile. That things you do, are cute, all of you ;)
You know how they used to say a watched pot never boils and having to do something boring can be compared to watching paint dry? So. Stop. Watching.
Time is on our side. Use it like a stopwatch. When you want to, and you will, make it last.
When you don't, just ignore it, let it pass.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however improbable--must be the truth."
What happens when nothing is impossible? Only improbable? Improbable is nothing!
Mmmm Improbable, improbable, improbable, improbable, improbable, improbable, improbable. Try typing that several times quickly, it's a five finger twister...(Nod to Mr R. Pearce with ♥)
Let alone the tongue. I'm in a mischievous mood. Must be the trickster, healer energy...
Bring it on
Light &
If I'd actually bothered to seek out acting work or tried to go in that direction, maybe I would have ironed out eh massive crease in my psyche that says don't put yourself up for rejection. The weird thing is that I've always managed to get jobs and that's with part personality and part bullshit. I'll let you decide what proportions and the other ingredients. The recipe isn't for a disaster anymore. I think I coulda been a contender... The thing is maybe it would have got me past my inability to be myself in company hehe mostly I mean on the dance floor. It's so much easier with your eyes shut I find. Outta sight. Outta mind...