Friday 22 July 2011

Pussy Whipped - Tell & Show / Reality V.T.

I finally worked out why you resent women so much, and believe me it fucking makes my skin crawl that you say such things sometimes, although I usually put it down to male bluster. However it's obvious that you are pussy whipped, you don't think you can do whatever you want without getting permission, which you don't think you'll get so you don't bother asking. So then when opportunities for you to do what you want only arrive when you've been gifted them because of your other half's social life, added to the fact that you barely have one, you resent her for your own lack of courage.

The fact is that you are afraid to be a man, and as you have let yourself become virtually downtrodden if not under the thumb it's only grown more of an issue for you and consequently me as I can't stand to hear the way you talk about women and other people in general while we're on the subject. We all like a quiet life and I presume the supposed and infuriating male need for sexual fulfilment seemingly at any cost (monetary, emotional, physical) has lead you to maintain a relationship that I feel will falter not grow stronger which is the case so often.

People seem to stay together as long as they can stand each other and when all each others dirty laundry and little secrets, character traits, annoying habits and other foibles have been revealed they eventually have to concede whether amicably or not, that they don't like the people they've become. In other words the people they were all along but managed to hide successfully for many years and now that they are being themselves finally, it's easier to see the incongruity and quit ;)

People are people. Their sex, only alters whether they can father a child or give birth to one, that's it. There are no real, only invented differences, between the sexes apart from the biological ones. Race, Colour, Sexuality, religion fat thin ugly pretty tall short any way you can find to discriminate between one person and another, labels, you name it literally...

But underneath and in many cases put onto the back burner...

We're all the same, we all want the same things.

Please try to remember that you coward

As you hold on for one more day

It must be hell interspersed with moments of pure happiness

Putting that into perspective, whilst there are moments of slight indifference, the rest of the time is joyful in my life. Ok slight indifference is an understatement, however once you work out that it's best not to assume anything, but always to have an idea in mind of what things might look like too, just in case. Hedge your bets... But don't refuse the fences either.

I think it must be spending the odd bit of time haltering and leading ponies, donkeys and possibly soon the occasional alpaca, it's infecting my choice of phrase. The outdoor life is good and I'm saving, I've got enough for a cheap car and then it's saving hard for eco house and another Camino next May...

If I can fit a few psytrance nights or weekends in too then I feel I must, it's my duty now that I actually have some fledging friendships to go with the ones I've made or remade over the past couple of years...

I miss my psy friends ;(


Tell & Show / The wonderful world of 'reality'

You could read the book, play the clip, put on the tape , download the seminar or...

I can tell you but you'll have to put it in the form of a question, like jeopardy

I can show you but you'll have to put your faith in me and yourself

Most importantly there's nothing I know that you can't

Nothing you need to know that I can say

Only your own thoughts matter

Your experience is key

Energy conversion

Inspiration to


Light &

1 comment:

  1. If you are not making love then you are not making anything at all... except a problem.

    Tell yourself what you will but Love is
    Joy is
    Music is
    Laughter is

    Necessity... was the mother of invention.
    Her Mother, Mother Nature. Hence I call her necessity also, the goddess of Life.
