Saturday 16 July 2011

He Fell Over!

Did You Have A Nice Trip?

Cloudy, moody, almost dark. Traipsed quite happily if a little nervously along the lane.

I thought I was the master of those old fears, of the dark, of the unknown, but no.

I faced that with some trepidation but enough courage, however later on.

The plants were tessellated, the energy fields were visible, interlocked.

The Yew seemed spooky, my steps were unsure through the dark.

To go on or go back, fears become reality, pushing past.

Sat back to front with my spine against your spine.

It drizzled, got darker, couldn't see past pitch.

Felt unsafe, unsure, not threatened, sorely.

Tempted not taught, all lessons over.

Just Moldy Miserableness.

Or Golden Good.






Managed to walk through the black, the sense that practice makes perfect again, when will this be over? Asking me the same old questions, offering me the same bribes that I will never take.

I'd rather carry on being unhappy and slightly lonely for short periods than have everything you are offering for the rest of eternity, I'd rather leave you to your worst, here, and shoot off. But the starters gun is at the point of hair trigger, could go off momentarily and even this existence seemed preferable until then. Bang!

Two plugholes, one down, one up.

One pulling heavy things down
One sucking light things upwards
Go in one direction or the other one
Let excess baggage go in the cargo hold
The only thing you are taking with you is you

Oh my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to say goodbye...

This'll do nicely until then,the departure lounge is getting more full by the second.

Nothing to declare, except a long list of mementoes...

Up up and away in my beautiful balloon.

Leave the ballast, drop it all.

And we're off...

Positive in hindsight, but damn challenging in the present, from now on you are my focus

I saw the golden goodness emanating from your very pores, shining so right

I've had enough of me. I'm taken care of. You are not? Hug me

We can make it all go away at the flick of a switch

Inside you there's a see saw, don't drop hard

Don't kick off upwards to bang it down

Let it find a balancing act

edge towards middle

straddle the pivot

point upwards

and say yes

Let's go

Light &

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