Keep pushing. I've only got two options, be pushed or push back. A third way?
Strong like a tree, sway with the prevailing winds yes but not the swirling breeze
To defend myself I can land on my haunches or even fall back and roll over
Or I can step aside before you shove again and hope you finally get it
Before you open your mouth, ask yourself what you were asking them
Say everything you think to yourself first and see how you like it
That's what it's like to be you and now you know it so...
No wonder no-one likes you like they used to
Whatever happened to that person?
Force Used
Forcing it at the moment, just writing stuff, I hope some of it makes sense to you because at the moment it's not making much to me. I keep rereading wondering what I meant, often they're ideas not necessarily opinions. I can choose to believe something new tomorrow if I like.
And the force of my will makes it real.
In My Eye's Mind
Got something in my right eye a few weeks / months ago whilst working in a dusty hanger. Couldn't see, or open my eye as it stung too much, that evening so went to bed. If it's not better by morning I can't work and I'll get it sorted. Was ok, in that I could see so forgot about it. Occasionally noticed a scratchy feeling and then for some unknown reason was checking the difference between how well I could see with one eye and then the other. I realised that I couldn't read things written in small print from a distance, with my right eye that I could with my left.
Was talking about this and obviously eyesight is very important to us so I'm getting it checked out.
Then over the weekend, I splurged, ate myself into a stupor, did my own thing for two days and slept as much as possible as the Full Moon is this Friday night and I haven't undertaken a solo mission for months. Putting my own celebrations and journeying to one side to be with others at those times, but not this week, not this month. Eating even more healthily, getting lots of sleep, avoiding outside influences of a negative nature e.g. t.v. papers, violent or distressing imagery from any source, what I've heard The Dalai Llama describe as 'destructive emotions' ;)
Building up to fasting on Friday for several hours, the longer the better.
The more you put in the more you get out.
Oh no sex, at least, no orgasms.
Mentally prepared.
So, we'll see what happens...
An Other Thing...
Oh yeah I was going on about seeing, anyway at the weekend I slept a LOT, in the day if I felt like it or was knackered (shire slang for tired after sex) even early at night which is rare for me as I'm a lark and an owl which is a burden, so I knew I would wake early and could go back to sleep again and again, loitering around the dividing line between a-wake and a-sleep. Lots of things happened. My right eye became a poor relation but definitely a cousin of the kaleidoscopic visuals you can see when in a psychedelic state and your eyes are closed. A vortex, funnel, wormhole was spinning idly almost and in a low light so basic shapes were made to make sense by the brain. (kaleidescopic was my best guess... I love spell checkers, my speelings got reet awful, chicken or egg?)
Oh yeah I was going on about seeing, anyway at the weekend I slept a LOT, in the day if I felt like it or was knackered (shire slang for tired after sex) even early at night which is rare for me as I'm a lark and an owl which is a burden, so I knew I would wake early and could go back to sleep again and again, loitering around the dividing line between a-wake and a-sleep. Lots of things happened. My right eye became a poor relation but definitely a cousin of the kaleidoscopic visuals you can see when in a psychedelic state and your eyes are closed. A vortex, funnel, wormhole was spinning idly almost and in a low light so basic shapes were made to make sense by the brain. (kaleidescopic was my best guess... I love spell checkers, my speelings got reet awful, chicken or egg?)
I watched this monocular show for a while and just let it be.
Was cool. Looked and felt like a wild ride t'other side.
Let me know when it's due to open or guess I'll...
See you in the inevitable queue that forms ;)
Another Other thing... Reference The Mayan Calendar 9th wave - July 3rd to October 28th
Mentioned, watched videos about, I don't take anything too seriously but ideas for meditation are always welcome. Think about the idea of a wave of energy, ramping up and up after first the first wave and then the second and third, adding their own seam and rising. Acceleration up and up, more waves, more energy, more and more and more. Now 9 waves, building a step pyramid of energetic potential rushing towards and through us. Able to carry us away atop or leave us in the eddy. Close your eyes, listen to music that makes you feel good, think about the wave.
Dozing, dreaming, awake?
I saw myself lit up, as if from without and within. I was without, the light was within. ;)
You could say eerie to see that, watch that but I felt no such emotion, merely calm as the light pervaded my body and at the same time my body was tingling as if energised and so safe.
All of literature, non-fiction and fiction are the same, sci-fi it's all true.
Bits of it anyway, as no-one has it all right all of the time.
If they did it would be the ultimate spoiler.
Even educated guesses are still wrong.
The Truth IS Stranger than fiction.
Weirder than you can imagine.
On its way soon.
Be there now.
Light &
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