Your Right is in the Heart Place
Although I'm contemplating several people I'm sure they share most if not all of these...
I knew your heart was in the right place so quickly after you told me a part of your story that involved an incomplete stranger (me), you know the bit about how good you are in spite of our mere aquaintance. I want to know more, pray tell. You weren't afraid to let me in on the bad stuff aswell as the good and I thankyou for that. We talked like two old friends not two new ones. You said your name was Peace and I didn't bat an eyelid, even when I said hi the next day and you engulfed me in a hug. You gave me a present because I treated you like a human being, that says everything that is wrong with this world and everything that is right. I find you inspirational in my life every day.
Your right, is in the, heart place.
Where is the heart place?
The Heavens silly...
I've never said 'I told you so' or ever will
I just have to remind you occasionally ;)
I just have to remind you occasionally ;)
Northern Exposure
Feeling so exposed after being so open, like a hangover only it's more like the opposite as the world becomes less and less clear, more murky and blurry, far from being a transition from basically bad behaviour to normality it feels much more like having to say goodbye to all your best friends and loved ones before setting off to be locked away for life, as an innocent man.
No it feels like you are being slowly frozen solid as first your extremities become so cold you cannot do anything and gradually it reaches your heart, you suddenly become sullen and withdrawn. That period of time is loathsome and carries over into the next few days, assuming that I've been open at the weekend and closed during the week.
No it feels like you are being slowly frozen solid as first your extremities become so cold you cannot do anything and gradually it reaches your heart, you suddenly become sullen and withdrawn. That period of time is loathsome and carries over into the next few days, assuming that I've been open at the weekend and closed during the week.
Thawing as the days go by until you can bask in the warmth of freedom again.
I don't want to keep being truly free for short periods, I need it permanently.
Can't go on feeling as though I am giving up on everything I've ever needed.
Just so that I can go earn enough money to keep working to earn to work.
It's hard not to shut up shop when you've given everyone else free reign to be themselves and you've been nothing but. Feeling as though they might know something about you now that they won't like when they have a chance to think it through. You start thinking too, things come back, mulling it all over, on balance that was a cracking weekend or whatever is in hindsight.
I guess I'm saying that thinking things over before makes them seem less complicated but if you leave it until afterwards, it only ever makes them seem more so. Think before you leap, but leap.
And for good reason, it's like sticking your head in the sand or looking your problems in the face.
When you can see the enormity of the issue it looks overwhelming but it's only ever going to get any better when you sit down and make a start somewhere, anywhere, and keep going.
For someone who was well and truly stuck in deep ruts, less bogged down these days
Problem is the going still isn't easy and every now and then I hit a pothole
But did I expect the road less travelled to be clear of obstacles?
Not really it just got to the point that I had no choice
But to take it over any other or just cease to exist
Too large a coward to take the easy way out
I always manage to find a harder route
The simple life that I wanted
Wasn't what I needed
This nearly is
Light &
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