Friday 6 December 2013

saint lawrence

the few hairs ive got on the top of my head are standin up after a most bodacious experience quite shocking for a second or two but overall the most thrilling thing i've ever actually lived through, or at least top 5 x

i just met a spirit, walking up the road towards me like a ghost, i believed
it to be an animal and in the way that our eyes interpret what is there and put a picture in our mind of what is there or a thought or an emotional reaction or memory or sensual experience i saw what i thought was a deers bum going away from me, but it disappeared into thin air and became clearer in one way when i used second sight, blurry eyes at first

then a blurry vision within the field of view, an outline foggy at first then more concrete like a clear opauque gel like substance pertaining the spirit with a ready brek outline only in a very thin white gold tinged fuzzy but distinct aura around them. I was concerned because they approaced me even though i had hailed them as brother or sister sensing a friendly almost over friendly atttiude my personal space was being invaded to some degree and i feared the result, would i become posessed by him?

or her? this is new i can only see when they move, theyre, what? looking back i can see they were trying to put an arm around me as a friend.

theyve missed that, having someone to connect to, talk to, hug, squeeze

i was overwhelmed for a second or two although that passed as i decided to focus on my heart and the love i send out, i give love and receive love

not the other way around, i dont fight for some primacy i fight for truth

so i went to my heart and i closed my eyes all the while too into being slightly scared but massively exhiliirated a.t.same time

there were more, i was circled and again my love tested let go breath

for fucks sake breath. although i rarely panick except when its communication with the livng humans not animals or dead peeps

you lot make me far more afraid than anything else made of energy
that ive encountered. hell i even scare myself sometimes, more than you

thats made me closer to god because of my fervent wish not to die
after wishing to die once or twice really sincerely then getting ill
then wishing to live and missing living already come one do summat

oh so i got the sense roman although there are plenty of villas within 10 miles this IS roman britain, bath to oxford pilgrimage of saint lawrence
whose name is remembered in the story of the day he passed through

the village where i live and he blessed the spring there saying

it shall never run dry

it never has

some of them went i got a vague energy rush nothing like the three souls i've helped so far.. so im guessing some of them want a conversation before they move one x

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