Descartes, René (1596–1650) Immensely influential French philosopher and mathematician, regarded as one of the founders of modern philosophy and modern mathematics.
Ever notice how things often seem to come full circle? Well try...
Thankyou BankersThose bankers eh? Gone and royally screwed us haven't they just. Greed was their in
As complicated as we like to make things, they are really very simple. Do bad things and you feel bad, do good things and you feel good. Make an example of yourself... let them have their way.
Right now millions are dying for no reason other than that greedy people are stealing from the ones who own nothing in this world, but themselves, if they are lucky or brave enough to be free.
The haves have, so that the have nots, cannot.
The financial situation will worsen until we are all equal whether you like it or not.
So what is the solution? To live in a way that is sustainable, it's harder and doesn't always result in either an easy life or an altogether happy one, but it is just.
I've used this T. Mckenna quote before but it is SO apt... "What civilization is, is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other’s shoulders and kicking each other’s teeth in. It’s not a pleasant situation."
Now it's seven billion? Things aren't going to get any better soon on their own are they?
Imagine if you will that the earth is an organism in its own right. If you were the world, what would you do faced with having an endemic systemic disease like humanity?
Kick us all into touch or keep trying to do so until you reached a comfort zone. Sustainability...
Could you blame it? Really? Events will continue to shape the future if there even is one.
I shall have the love I need, it will be gifted to me when I resign myself to a death.
Meanwhile I shall continue to live the right way and in so doing afford it all.
Getting what you deserve, and that is? I ask without a hint of irony.
The KennedysCaught a little of a series currently running on t.v. called 'The Kennedys' on mute while I was waiting for something good to come on, still waiting btw ;). I suppose it's an attempt, another one, to portray the events surrounding this very famous clan. We see actors trying to show us how the very real people involved behaved in response to an infamous day, what a sick joke (I used to like Katie Holmes, until she married Tom Cruise ;) and started taking whatever roles she is offered out of desperation - Watch 'Go' and you'll see what I mean).
We may never know what actually happened in our life times. I know as human beings we are drawn to mysteries and more recently to call the unacceptable, conspiracy theories. When we find the given explanation unpalatable we look for something, anything else that suits. You weren't there and even if you had been, would still be none the wiser today as to what really went on.
I no longer wonder any more about U.F.O.s, the Marie Celeste, The Kennedy Assasinations and all the rest of these (quoting Terence Mckenna) 'Epistemological cartoons'. Given them up as a bad job, seeing that it is impossible to get to the bottom of any of these matters. How many different names is it now that have been put forth for the identity of Jack the Ripper?
Definition:- Epistemological. (Philosophy) (of a philosophical problem) requiring an account of how knowledge of the given subject could be obtained.
Keeping our interest because at first it is idle gossip and then it becomes supposed fact.
The only facts that you have in your possession are those gained through personal experience...
Are there answers? Yes but they will never come from without, only ever from within...
You know what
you know and nothing more... The rest is supposition at best.
Give it up, let it go, transform your life, for the better, one day at a time.
The Truth Will OutRevealing as little as they can get away with now, and then more if necessary when pressed into doing so. The people who deserve comeuppance will get it but buying into the constant battle to find out more and you are feeding the frenzy and oxygenating their environment. Let these organisations and individuals carry on the way they have always done, because that is their choice. In the meantime...
Definition:- Meantime. During a period of intervening time; meanwhile. meantimeThere will be a limited amount of 'intervening time' within which we shall have to be patient.
Speculation is a waste of your energy... A slow boat to China, getting you nowhere so very fast.
Our government and its opposition, big businesses, the police force, all forms of large organisation that has it now or seeks power in the future are just as corrupt and corruptible as each other. Scrambling to take the higher ground, they are falling over themselves to be seen to do the right thing when found out, whilst behind the scenes carrying on as before. Ed Milliband should hang his head in shame as should all of the rest of them, I see the disingenuous little smirk, the obviously fake shock and revulsion, what bad actors they all are.
I see through you, I see through you. Gotta do it again, gotta do it again. If you get yourself connected, the writing's on the wall. (The Stereo Mc's:- Connected lyrics)
Start with yourself now, please stop looking outside, the end is nigh
BUT the end don't justify the means. Never has, never EVER will!
Make a choice right now. Define who YOU are, let the rest rot...
These DreamsMy dreams have always been surreal.
Definition:- Surreal. 1. suggestive of surrealism; dreamlike
1200–50; Middle English dreem, Old English drēam joy, mirth, gladness, cognate with Old Saxon drōm mirth, dream, Old Norse draumr, Old High German troum dream; modern sense first recorded in ME but presumably also current in Old English, as in Old Saxon.
My dreams are dreamlike? Hmm ;) I here use surreal in combination with joy, mirth, gladness.
The thing is that surreal is a combination of two words, sur and real...
Sur being a french preposition meaning different things in different contexts.
When discussing a direction it means 'to'
When discussing a location it means 'on' or 'at'
When discussing an approximate time it means 'around'
More and more I find these visions that take place during so called unconsciousness, represent a far more appealing state than also so called, conciousness.
Am I awake now? I am therefore I think... Ouch sorry Rene ;(
Rather than merely a comment on the desire for escapism from what can be a very tedious existence at times, it is more of an attempt to explain the overwhelming feeling that the dreaming and woken worlds are on a collision course. I heard someone suggest tonight that we should all wait until our emotions give way to rational thought. I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. Destructive emotions maybe, but not Joy, Mirth and Gladness. I trust them. I follow them back home a little each and every day and by home I don't mean where I physically live, but where I came from.
Rational thought is what brought us to the precipice that we now find ourselves to, on, at and yes, around.
I shudder at that rational thought. It's never done me anything but harm to feel first, act, then ask questions later ;)
I choose to honour and distrust the content of both conditions equally, until or unless they become combined into a coherent whole...
Light &