Sunday 10 December 2017

i sent a friend a hug from here to there, we live in a world that only believes in connections via cables until recently, we had the wireless radio, we now have wireless internet access, and phones in the home too that don't need to have a physical connection, back before all this technological wizardry there were many things that might seem strange to you and me, ok possibly to you, not to me, because all this connectivity seems perfectly natural to me, it's common sense, it's an ability we needed in the past, that all animals have, that's why nature often seems to be mysterious and capable of things that we can't fathom, she talks to herself, they all do, and to each other, they communicate.

As for us, we don't so much, we are scared to connect, give eye contact, hug, touch, feel free.

In public that has become the norm, and it creates an energy storm, a way of making us all feel as disconnected as the people at the top feel, they don't even do anything but air kisses and drunken and drugged and who knows what in private, but they often wonder what it must be like to be and live free.  Otherwise why would they treat others with such disdain and inhumanity, for the love of money, the greed that keeps them hunting for more when they have twenty million in the bank.

It's the security that they seem to think they have because of what they think they own, poor them.

More fool them indeed because they only have greed, selfishness, no real things to call their own.  Just a gold plated phone, gold taps on their bath and wallpaper made of gold leaf, money doesn't grow on trees so they say, but when will they realise it isn't all that important anyway?  What really matters isn't matter at all, it's spirit, and love, and friendship and caring for another, not yourself.

Where was this going, does it matter at all, can we talk about humanity and back to the fall?

We were once so connected that we didn't need to speak, I don't know this I feel it, does that make me weak?  Meek and a freak?  To suggest that we all are one life on this planet including earth herself?  The waters, the sky, the land and the fire, the earth, sun, sand and sea, the animal peoples and me.  We are all one consciousness and it becomes so very clear when you rewild yourself and give your friends and family what comes near, you see the value in a smile, a leaf, and a tree, the sky just before dawn, the waters edge, the smallest things, the edges and the fringes become something to experience again, to feel more, to think less, the colours in the sky that someone told me were there and then I was able to see them too, the pinks, and so many more blues, and reds, oranges, yellows, all the other fellow shades, the best things in life are free, and they aren't things they are feelings sprung from within because of something without not something we are without, the feeling of loss or lack.

Something happened to me a while back but I am guided not to travel in time or space, focus here.

Let the future come near, as we live in the now, show each other how, produce nothing but love and share it around freely, our love for the stars and the moon, our love for the emptiness and energy that we can feel again, the music of the spheres that we hear again, when in silence we gather in snow, outside around a fire, under shelter created from natures bounty, in gratitude for whatever we are given to harvest and use to make our lives easier, not living in silence in a one bedroom apartment.  Never meeting or knowing anyone but our work colleagues, it stresses us out and we need a holiday.

So we go away, on our own, never seeing a soul that we know, never bumping into a friend abroad.

Abroad used to mean out of your house, going abroad meant leaving the safety of your space, doing something away from your home, was abroad, it was how we experienced the magic and mystery of life, how we made every moment count for something because it might be our last, we never took it for granted that we ought to be here, or have something new, we were meant to be short lived and love every instant, never measuring time except in the length of a new day, a week, a moonth, a year, living with both rhythms, the moon and sun cycles, letting us know by temperature and her habits where we were, as my rhyming drops away i start to express the truth of this life even more slowly.

The excitement is falling away, the energy is leaving its high level by necessity so i can relax again.

Now I am me, feeling less like a failure and more of a connected and valuable individual artist, writing my pain and my view, my perspective, my learning, my knowledge, my experiences of life as it was before and will be again, you see nature will survive whether we help her or not, there's nothing for her to do but pick up the pieces of her shattered heart and go on, living through us, through all the beings we share this world with, we can choose to live righteously or so we think or keep on destroying her in the name of some god, some business venture, some war machine or technological regime, some government calling us the reason for their schemes, the rhyming is back because it's become a habit I love, a through line within my heart, a thread of a destiny i feel too.

SO I say to you, that as I feel my stomach relax and flow once more, we love loving love and life.

We human beings are not being human at all, we don't live to exist merely coming and going, we are here to learn lessons and keep consciousness flowing, we're just a little flood of a much greater flow, and so as we learn and grow, we accept more of our teachers wisdom to leave behind what we thought we knew, to recognise that life is a feeling, that much we know now, it's something we do, not something we read about or watch on a box, it's like a flame, a fire we must risk being burnt by.

I know the rhythm of fire, it's calling me out there, to blow and breathe life, into the heat of night.

Let us all expire naturally, and feed ourselves from what we can grow and find in nature for the most part, sharing what we learn to impart, as each comes to realise the truth about love and the wonder of living, we feel like leaving the rat race, the human sprint to death, we treat ourselves better and feel less like this flesh, the trap that they fell for holds much less appeal and we earn the respect of whoever sent us here, if only because it's love and life we revere, so who knows what comes next after all this has been done, but somewhere there's something we needed to see, let us each find it in our own time and in our own way, for each of you this healing will come to you i pray this day.

Now I have food to eat and to share it with family, my tapestry grows close and my heart swells.

I have healed so many parts of my story, I only wish to keep being worthwhile and in service as I was promised so many years ago, not so long ago that I have forgotten at all, in fact it seemed ludicrous that I could ever become who I am now, it has come to pass though and more lies ahead, I can only thank all that is, all that was, will be and finally, I come to the end of this bit of tale, please eat well.

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