Sunday 3 December 2017

happen stance

how do i love me, let me shout the ways! I love me like this, I share the bliss I feel and I get in touch with me, quite literally. I just had a bath and you can do this too, get in touch with you. Stroke and feel every bit that you can reach and see what it can teach you about you, about what is true, about your likes and dislikes and most importantly about where you are, cos it ain't inside your head, your mind is all of you, from where you see, to where you hear, smell, taste and touch, your skin, your whole body thinks and more importantly feels, and better than that there is your senses, that expand and contract, in fact, i'd go as far as to say, that you extend far further than that, out beyond your body to where you can feel your awareness and this bubble that is you, around you, your conscious self that is, expanding to fill whatever space you are in, and dreaming this all up, well that is you too but I digress, to think less, feel more, go out and do more, leave your front door, with the real eyes that are everywhere all over your supposed body, your skin, let every bit of you see, smell, taste, touch and hear, let your true self experience what life is really all about, without a doubt it's so much more expansive than just the thing that you think you live in, the world is you too, spread yourself out there too, feel ahead, see into tomorrow, smell next week, taste next year, and the rest of your life becomes something you can hear coming lovingly towards you, because you are being loving and the world that you are will reward this you too, one last thing,while we are being loving, go deep inside, and sense what must be true, there was a starting point, that was one heart beat that begun this beautiful myth that people think is you, remember that you are more than any story, or fable, you are an epic adventure unfolding right in front of the eyes of every thing, and it isn't happening to you, you are happening to it :) + <3

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