Saturday, 30 December 2017
tomorow is now
what you are now you see yourself being tomorrow too that's a lie you tell yourself until it's true, let that fiction go be the real you and realise that we can dream a brighter then today, see it, feel it, be it now, let all else fall away, until there is only the energy that you really are, the body gets a rest, get everything off your chest, say it to the clouds, the trees, the sky, don't waste time wondering why, see the next moment as you see this, a feeling of pure bliss, underlying all the lies and untruths that we've been told, you don't have to get old, you can be forever young inside whatever the outside looks like, it's a choice, a feeling that you carry with you all your days, in so many ways there are better things to be doing with your life, so take a moment, imagine something good, see it, feel it, be it and don't give anyone or doubt a second look, this is what you learn from being human and it wasn't written in any book, it's you, it's them, it's us, it's goodness knows what with no explanation necessary, it's love, it's truth, it's everything you wished for when you were young, so see the new shoots of spring that are already sprung, feel the life grow inside you, from your spirit to your bodily self be true, be renewed and let the dying of the light end, be your own best friend, say who cares to what others say and see the light of day come back, because they're longer now and your imagination is so much energy for the making of a better brighter future for you :) + <3
Monday, 25 December 2017
when you listen to someone new
when you hear foreign music to you
that's how you learn to love the mystery
that's how you learn to appreciate change
so if you can cope with feeling uncomfortable
and you can resist the urge to walk out on fear
to know the beauty of the path of least resistance
to realise that we must face our deepest inevitables
understand destiny is a path we are choosing for all
not just us, not just me, not just you, but everything
we need to accept and to surrender to the majesty
of not knowing right now or maybe never knowing
to free our hearts minds must be reckoned with
to learn a new skill we have to make mistakes
be willing to get it wrong to get it fully right
see that those two impostors are that
don't win or lose no just take part
that is where victory will start
Sunday, 24 December 2017
heart shaped
rather than writing a rhyming poem thing, i'll just say a few
words plain oh no hear it comes i'm flipping rhyming again
so there i was about to say something without all the floetry
who knows maybe next year will be different i love it though
so why change what's become the good habit of a lifetime?
Speaking to you mouth noises is coming much more easily
and i wish to explain why, it's because I've lived more in the
last year than in the last several, and more in those than in
the last decade, and more in that than the four before that.
The longer i live the more i experience not less, the better
it gets and the more time i spend with quality people see
what i did there? Being with you has been an honour a
privilege, the reason for my transformation whoever
you are whatever it is you did for me even if it was
listening to me, reading this stuff, thankyou and
here's to many more years of doing more in
less time, relaxing into being me, feeling
my way into all the new worlds i am
discovering and who knows yet
what wonders we will find
together so lovingly
i wish you your
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
relation ships
you all have a lot of relationships and i only had one with my rock my mum, from there and a transformation by love i grew up and learned to reconnect to a few others too, then the millions of acquaintances i've made with the waters and seas, sunlight, the air, the earth and trees, energy and sensing infinite divine love and creativity coming back to me, to share because it IS NOT rare, it's a common thing, common sense, we're all meant to be like this, to feel, to heal, to reveal our innermost self only to find that it is the awareness that we are one thing existing as many, and i am merely a small piece of the whole, whatever you believe feel free to explain it to me, share your picture so that we can create a better story, for the rest of life to read and who knows what we can achieve? I know that we are on a journey to becoming together because i've seen from here to forever :) + <3
Sunday, 17 December 2017
complete be
ok im off out into the woods dressed up nice and warm so i can sit under
a tree and get comfy and just let nature be and see what comes close to
me by listening silently so if that sounds good to you why not make
yourself known to me, say hi and we'll work out a day to spend in a
similar way, for you to heal and feel connected once again to her
rhythms and rhymes spend some joyful times just letting yourself breathe
deeply relaxing till you feel like you're you again completely
Saturday, 16 December 2017
welling up
if you are willing to dive deep within
i hope you're ready to be listening
as you progress to get further in
you notice a pattern emerging
some information gathering
a spiral energy returning
start to finish spinning
healing revitalising
finally winning
find out
true clout
forget doubt
leave it on out
spiralling without
defeat old by a rout
create new scream out
im tired now and worn out
i spent the day out and about
but warm inside for reaching out
i hope you're ready to be listening
as you progress to get further in
you notice a pattern emerging
some information gathering
a spiral energy returning
start to finish spinning
healing revitalising
finally winning
find out
true clout
forget doubt
leave it on out
spiralling without
defeat old by a rout
create new scream out
im tired now and worn out
i spent the day out and about
but warm inside for reaching out
be yourself
a doctor wants to do what you want they want to find out what you need.
To find out what is wrong then dis-empower you because you believe.
You believe that they know you better than you know your own self.
You know that it's your diet, lack of exercise, it's your addictions.
So what you really need is the strength to change your life.
What you really need is to have the courage you lost.
To make changes and stick to them until at last.
Your good habits become your natural way.
Find someone who makes you feel good.
Try something new, old wasn't working.
Be a better you, you can start today.
If talking to me will help then do so.
Because we all need to hear it.
You know I'm going to say it.
That I love you dear one.
That I always have, will.
That I believe in you.
That is all I can do.
So you can too.
Please do it.
For me &
You too.
I Love
To find out what is wrong then dis-empower you because you believe.
You believe that they know you better than you know your own self.
You know that it's your diet, lack of exercise, it's your addictions.
So what you really need is the strength to change your life.
What you really need is to have the courage you lost.
To make changes and stick to them until at last.
Your good habits become your natural way.
Find someone who makes you feel good.
Try something new, old wasn't working.
Be a better you, you can start today.
If talking to me will help then do so.
Because we all need to hear it.
You know I'm going to say it.
That I love you dear one.
That I always have, will.
That I believe in you.
That is all I can do.
So you can too.
Please do it.
For me &
You too.
I Love
Sunday, 10 December 2017
i sent a friend a hug from here to there, we live in a world that only believes in connections via cables until recently, we had the wireless radio, we now have wireless internet access, and phones in the home too that don't need to have a physical connection, back before all this technological wizardry there were many things that might seem strange to you and me, ok possibly to you, not to me, because all this connectivity seems perfectly natural to me, it's common sense, it's an ability we needed in the past, that all animals have, that's why nature often seems to be mysterious and capable of things that we can't fathom, she talks to herself, they all do, and to each other, they communicate.
As for us, we don't so much, we are scared to connect, give eye contact, hug, touch, feel free.
In public that has become the norm, and it creates an energy storm, a way of making us all feel as disconnected as the people at the top feel, they don't even do anything but air kisses and drunken and drugged and who knows what in private, but they often wonder what it must be like to be and live free. Otherwise why would they treat others with such disdain and inhumanity, for the love of money, the greed that keeps them hunting for more when they have twenty million in the bank.
It's the security that they seem to think they have because of what they think they own, poor them.
More fool them indeed because they only have greed, selfishness, no real things to call their own. Just a gold plated phone, gold taps on their bath and wallpaper made of gold leaf, money doesn't grow on trees so they say, but when will they realise it isn't all that important anyway? What really matters isn't matter at all, it's spirit, and love, and friendship and caring for another, not yourself.
Where was this going, does it matter at all, can we talk about humanity and back to the fall?
We were once so connected that we didn't need to speak, I don't know this I feel it, does that make me weak? Meek and a freak? To suggest that we all are one life on this planet including earth herself? The waters, the sky, the land and the fire, the earth, sun, sand and sea, the animal peoples and me. We are all one consciousness and it becomes so very clear when you rewild yourself and give your friends and family what comes near, you see the value in a smile, a leaf, and a tree, the sky just before dawn, the waters edge, the smallest things, the edges and the fringes become something to experience again, to feel more, to think less, the colours in the sky that someone told me were there and then I was able to see them too, the pinks, and so many more blues, and reds, oranges, yellows, all the other fellow shades, the best things in life are free, and they aren't things they are feelings sprung from within because of something without not something we are without, the feeling of loss or lack.
Something happened to me a while back but I am guided not to travel in time or space, focus here.
Let the future come near, as we live in the now, show each other how, produce nothing but love and share it around freely, our love for the stars and the moon, our love for the emptiness and energy that we can feel again, the music of the spheres that we hear again, when in silence we gather in snow, outside around a fire, under shelter created from natures bounty, in gratitude for whatever we are given to harvest and use to make our lives easier, not living in silence in a one bedroom apartment. Never meeting or knowing anyone but our work colleagues, it stresses us out and we need a holiday.
So we go away, on our own, never seeing a soul that we know, never bumping into a friend abroad.
Abroad used to mean out of your house, going abroad meant leaving the safety of your space, doing something away from your home, was abroad, it was how we experienced the magic and mystery of life, how we made every moment count for something because it might be our last, we never took it for granted that we ought to be here, or have something new, we were meant to be short lived and love every instant, never measuring time except in the length of a new day, a week, a moonth, a year, living with both rhythms, the moon and sun cycles, letting us know by temperature and her habits where we were, as my rhyming drops away i start to express the truth of this life even more slowly.
The excitement is falling away, the energy is leaving its high level by necessity so i can relax again.
Now I am me, feeling less like a failure and more of a connected and valuable individual artist, writing my pain and my view, my perspective, my learning, my knowledge, my experiences of life as it was before and will be again, you see nature will survive whether we help her or not, there's nothing for her to do but pick up the pieces of her shattered heart and go on, living through us, through all the beings we share this world with, we can choose to live righteously or so we think or keep on destroying her in the name of some god, some business venture, some war machine or technological regime, some government calling us the reason for their schemes, the rhyming is back because it's become a habit I love, a through line within my heart, a thread of a destiny i feel too.
SO I say to you, that as I feel my stomach relax and flow once more, we love loving love and life.
We human beings are not being human at all, we don't live to exist merely coming and going, we are here to learn lessons and keep consciousness flowing, we're just a little flood of a much greater flow, and so as we learn and grow, we accept more of our teachers wisdom to leave behind what we thought we knew, to recognise that life is a feeling, that much we know now, it's something we do, not something we read about or watch on a box, it's like a flame, a fire we must risk being burnt by.
I know the rhythm of fire, it's calling me out there, to blow and breathe life, into the heat of night.
Let us all expire naturally, and feed ourselves from what we can grow and find in nature for the most part, sharing what we learn to impart, as each comes to realise the truth about love and the wonder of living, we feel like leaving the rat race, the human sprint to death, we treat ourselves better and feel less like this flesh, the trap that they fell for holds much less appeal and we earn the respect of whoever sent us here, if only because it's love and life we revere, so who knows what comes next after all this has been done, but somewhere there's something we needed to see, let us each find it in our own time and in our own way, for each of you this healing will come to you i pray this day.
Now I have food to eat and to share it with family, my tapestry grows close and my heart swells.
I have healed so many parts of my story, I only wish to keep being worthwhile and in service as I was promised so many years ago, not so long ago that I have forgotten at all, in fact it seemed ludicrous that I could ever become who I am now, it has come to pass though and more lies ahead, I can only thank all that is, all that was, will be and finally, I come to the end of this bit of tale, please eat well.
As for us, we don't so much, we are scared to connect, give eye contact, hug, touch, feel free.
In public that has become the norm, and it creates an energy storm, a way of making us all feel as disconnected as the people at the top feel, they don't even do anything but air kisses and drunken and drugged and who knows what in private, but they often wonder what it must be like to be and live free. Otherwise why would they treat others with such disdain and inhumanity, for the love of money, the greed that keeps them hunting for more when they have twenty million in the bank.
It's the security that they seem to think they have because of what they think they own, poor them.
More fool them indeed because they only have greed, selfishness, no real things to call their own. Just a gold plated phone, gold taps on their bath and wallpaper made of gold leaf, money doesn't grow on trees so they say, but when will they realise it isn't all that important anyway? What really matters isn't matter at all, it's spirit, and love, and friendship and caring for another, not yourself.
Where was this going, does it matter at all, can we talk about humanity and back to the fall?
We were once so connected that we didn't need to speak, I don't know this I feel it, does that make me weak? Meek and a freak? To suggest that we all are one life on this planet including earth herself? The waters, the sky, the land and the fire, the earth, sun, sand and sea, the animal peoples and me. We are all one consciousness and it becomes so very clear when you rewild yourself and give your friends and family what comes near, you see the value in a smile, a leaf, and a tree, the sky just before dawn, the waters edge, the smallest things, the edges and the fringes become something to experience again, to feel more, to think less, the colours in the sky that someone told me were there and then I was able to see them too, the pinks, and so many more blues, and reds, oranges, yellows, all the other fellow shades, the best things in life are free, and they aren't things they are feelings sprung from within because of something without not something we are without, the feeling of loss or lack.
Something happened to me a while back but I am guided not to travel in time or space, focus here.
Let the future come near, as we live in the now, show each other how, produce nothing but love and share it around freely, our love for the stars and the moon, our love for the emptiness and energy that we can feel again, the music of the spheres that we hear again, when in silence we gather in snow, outside around a fire, under shelter created from natures bounty, in gratitude for whatever we are given to harvest and use to make our lives easier, not living in silence in a one bedroom apartment. Never meeting or knowing anyone but our work colleagues, it stresses us out and we need a holiday.
So we go away, on our own, never seeing a soul that we know, never bumping into a friend abroad.
Abroad used to mean out of your house, going abroad meant leaving the safety of your space, doing something away from your home, was abroad, it was how we experienced the magic and mystery of life, how we made every moment count for something because it might be our last, we never took it for granted that we ought to be here, or have something new, we were meant to be short lived and love every instant, never measuring time except in the length of a new day, a week, a moonth, a year, living with both rhythms, the moon and sun cycles, letting us know by temperature and her habits where we were, as my rhyming drops away i start to express the truth of this life even more slowly.
The excitement is falling away, the energy is leaving its high level by necessity so i can relax again.
Now I am me, feeling less like a failure and more of a connected and valuable individual artist, writing my pain and my view, my perspective, my learning, my knowledge, my experiences of life as it was before and will be again, you see nature will survive whether we help her or not, there's nothing for her to do but pick up the pieces of her shattered heart and go on, living through us, through all the beings we share this world with, we can choose to live righteously or so we think or keep on destroying her in the name of some god, some business venture, some war machine or technological regime, some government calling us the reason for their schemes, the rhyming is back because it's become a habit I love, a through line within my heart, a thread of a destiny i feel too.
SO I say to you, that as I feel my stomach relax and flow once more, we love loving love and life.
We human beings are not being human at all, we don't live to exist merely coming and going, we are here to learn lessons and keep consciousness flowing, we're just a little flood of a much greater flow, and so as we learn and grow, we accept more of our teachers wisdom to leave behind what we thought we knew, to recognise that life is a feeling, that much we know now, it's something we do, not something we read about or watch on a box, it's like a flame, a fire we must risk being burnt by.
I know the rhythm of fire, it's calling me out there, to blow and breathe life, into the heat of night.
Let us all expire naturally, and feed ourselves from what we can grow and find in nature for the most part, sharing what we learn to impart, as each comes to realise the truth about love and the wonder of living, we feel like leaving the rat race, the human sprint to death, we treat ourselves better and feel less like this flesh, the trap that they fell for holds much less appeal and we earn the respect of whoever sent us here, if only because it's love and life we revere, so who knows what comes next after all this has been done, but somewhere there's something we needed to see, let us each find it in our own time and in our own way, for each of you this healing will come to you i pray this day.
Now I have food to eat and to share it with family, my tapestry grows close and my heart swells.
I have healed so many parts of my story, I only wish to keep being worthwhile and in service as I was promised so many years ago, not so long ago that I have forgotten at all, in fact it seemed ludicrous that I could ever become who I am now, it has come to pass though and more lies ahead, I can only thank all that is, all that was, will be and finally, I come to the end of this bit of tale, please eat well.
the living is easy
don't hold your breath
we are meant to breathe
watch it and let it flow in
let it flow right out again
and feel your belly relax
like waves upon shores
be calm like the breeze
you'll feel stress ease
we are meant to breathe
watch it and let it flow in
let it flow right out again
and feel your belly relax
like waves upon shores
be calm like the breeze
you'll feel stress ease
i is
sit with whatever is going on, right or wrong, don't judge it, fight it,
restrain yourself from feeling whatever it is you are feeling and just
be, breathe slow and deep to remain or become calm whenever you need to,
and breathe through whatever is, let whatever is, be, because it is,
right now, in this moment, you are, we are, life is, we is, you is, i
is, i send you love and energy for you to set your true self free
:) +

for a friend
for me anxiety is us taking what it feels like to be me right now and projecting that into the future, imagining what it would be like to be like this forever brought me to the edge of sanity, humanity, in fact it allowed me to go deeper inside to free whoever it was that was hidden, within who i thought i was, breaking out of that illusion is what began my discovery, intuition leading me onwards to healing myself, aiding whoever i meet to help themselves to heal themselves and be free too, so that is my belief is it yours do you know what you need to know? Because listening to others will give you their own perspective of what you are dealing with, however it is your life your love, your feelings that are paramount, so go inside, feel your way to the depths of who you really are, find a spark of energy that burns brightly and know that you grow from that to become whoever you would wish to be, eat well, sleep well and if all else fails, get in touch, contact me, ask me whatever it is that you need to ask, and I will ask the universe on your behalf and who knows maybe there will be something good for you this holiday period, a present moment for you to open that will brighten your future self right now, and that is what you will take into the next moment and the one after that, let go because holding on too tightly makes things move further away, and you will find a smile comes back to you more quickly than before, that is all, i wish you healing and energy and love :) + <3
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
loving is easy
fire in the sky
water in the land
there is much i fail
to barely understand
but loving i know is easy
it's something you give away
it's a feeling you can let inside
and really start to lose your way
because we don't need to plan at all
we need to move and let our bodies sway
we need to go with the beautiful flow and yes
i'm going to go down that road and talk each day
let them come and know that each will have it's gay
abandon as i feel the words fall and enter me like water
as the energy moves within me like a fire and burns away
all the stagnant areas and heavy shit i've carried all the days
since i was earth and air and fire and water and spirit too they say
i was nought but energy i was thought and deed and something more
i was an idea a loving feeling inside my mother and my father once again
because to come together is the best expression of our being-ness truly
so this is why when old push comes to new shove i feel and act unruly
i have to speak the words i feel like letting go and behave and do
i must be who i am and love that person and let go my fear
i will i am i feel i do i see i hear i smell taste touch
there is so many things there are so much
i mix them all up and strangely so
feelings come and they go
words are friends
feelings true
i love
water in the land
there is much i fail
to barely understand
but loving i know is easy
it's something you give away
it's a feeling you can let inside
and really start to lose your way
because we don't need to plan at all
we need to move and let our bodies sway
we need to go with the beautiful flow and yes
i'm going to go down that road and talk each day
let them come and know that each will have it's gay
abandon as i feel the words fall and enter me like water
as the energy moves within me like a fire and burns away
all the stagnant areas and heavy shit i've carried all the days
since i was earth and air and fire and water and spirit too they say
i was nought but energy i was thought and deed and something more
i was an idea a loving feeling inside my mother and my father once again
because to come together is the best expression of our being-ness truly
so this is why when old push comes to new shove i feel and act unruly
i have to speak the words i feel like letting go and behave and do
i must be who i am and love that person and let go my fear
i will i am i feel i do i see i hear i smell taste touch
there is so many things there are so much
i mix them all up and strangely so
feelings come and they go
words are friends
feelings true
i love
Sunday, 3 December 2017
happen stance
how do i love me, let me shout the ways! I love me like this, I share the bliss I feel and I get in touch with me, quite literally. I just had a bath and you can do this too, get in touch with you. Stroke and feel every bit that you can reach and see what it can teach you about you, about what is true, about your likes and dislikes and most importantly about where you are, cos it ain't inside your head, your mind is all of you, from where you see, to where you hear, smell, taste and touch, your skin, your whole body thinks and more importantly feels, and better than that there is your senses, that expand and contract, in fact, i'd go as far as to say, that you extend far further than that, out beyond your body to where you can feel your awareness and this bubble that is you, around you, your conscious self that is, expanding to fill whatever space you are in, and dreaming this all up, well that is you too but I digress, to think less, feel more, go out and do more, leave your front door, with the real eyes that are everywhere all over your supposed body, your skin, let every bit of you see, smell, taste, touch and hear, let your true self experience what life is really all about, without a doubt it's so much more expansive than just the thing that you think you live in, the world is you too, spread yourself out there too, feel ahead, see into tomorrow, smell next week, taste next year, and the rest of your life becomes something you can hear coming lovingly towards you, because you are being loving and the world that you are will reward this you too, one last thing,while we are being loving, go deep inside, and sense what must be true, there was a starting point, that was one heart beat that begun this beautiful myth that people think is you, remember that you are more than any story, or fable, you are an epic adventure unfolding right in front of the eyes of every thing, and it isn't happening to you, you are happening to it :) + <3
Post One
New day new me, letting go of all that old stuff
Just a note to fill out a draft post so this is one
Don't know what to say or write or put here
I went to Bristol Broadmead and hugged
I hugged the young and old and free
Whoever wished to receive a hug
It's addictive in a good way too
Puts a big smile on my face
Saw a few people I knew
Hugged with another
We were a team
We hugged
So actually
I ought to just write normally
For once after all my poetry seems to be going elsewhere now
My writing is a video with me talking about whatever it is and flowing it into a rhyme on the fly
So this can be where I write things in words and explain what my day was like, just as it ought to have been in the first place, a blog, a log of my bloody life, what does blog even stand for anyway? So yes, today I went to see if I could help out the homeless in the Bearpit in Bristol but ended up meeting a fellow hugger who suggested we go to the centre of the shopping centre, so we stood outside Barclays bank, and just held up our free hugs signs, and met all sorts of people, friendly mostly, some had such a look of disgust or disdain on their faces, whatever they felt inside I hasten to add because I got so many smiles on the faces of the people who weren't interested in a hug, they were bemused, which i assume is a brother or sister of amused, they were interested or over a period of several looks back at me I could wear them down, open them up, see them transformed, from closed to a little smile to a grin to interested to coming over, to saying something to whoever they were with, and yes I got hugged so much I have a warm glow all over my head, it's spreading as i do energy work, as i let in the cosmic sun, the rays of the universe, the light of the moon reflected sunlight, the energy of love, transformation, as i open my crown and let it down it floods me, fills me up, inside and out, spreading the love as we did there was a wonderful, wonderfilled thing, we made so many people happy, some who needed a hug, some who did it for a laugh, a bet, a dare, as i react, as i feel the day slowly energise me, affect me, as i feel myself whole, healed, from yesterday in the workshop at Manchester, we did some spiritual work, we opened up to allow in energy from above, to see that flow down in waves, to feel it recognise any parts of us that are heavy or unneeded and let them go down, into the earth through our feet, to gift whatever we don't need to the mother earth, and let her recycle it, after all it's just energy, let her see what she can do with it, turn it into something good, like composting your excrement, like pissing in the woods, like letting everything that you don't need that is recyclable go where it needs to be to be reused, turned into something needed, and this flow becomes a cycle, that we can call in, that we can practise, that we can take as our natural way of being part of nature, gift everything we don't need, and in return, reciprocally we receive the energy that we need to heal, to be whole, to fill us up, our energy bubble, that seems so close to us, that keeps people away or draws them in, like my smile today, a grin, a broad means of saying hi to broadmead, and letting them know that i love them with out any need for them to do anything, getting so much eye contact, feeling as though it heals whatever issues I have with that, teaches me whatever it is that normal people, social animals experience over their lifetime from childhood to adulthood, that lets them relax and feel ok with the glare of someone elses light shining on me, i know that might not read right or well, gramatically so, but who cares, it means something to me to write what i feel i know, express it and those who got hugged from small kids to mature adults all enjoyed it, came back for more, or told their friends and that is a powerful thing, I saw that we made a difference in lives.
So to return to the story of free hugs at a later date is something I feel like I will be doing because it feels great, it's such an easy thing to do, to go wherever I go with a sign that says Free Hugs and show folks that it's ok to hug a stranger, if they need a hug they can have one, no need to let go too soon, keep on hugging me and i'll keep on hugging you too, let it give you the oxytocin that you need, the bonding hugging chemical that resets all our anxiety and nervousness, i feel them shaking or vibrating as they want to pull away and want to stay right there at the same time, not sure if it's ok to keep hugging, the slaps or pats that say this is me having had enough, or expecting me to say the same thing with my hands, to say let go now, when I don't unless they do, just to make them feel ok, don't want to hug them longer than they want to, but still I need them to know it's ok to take as much free love as they wish to get from me, after all that's what a hug is, a sign that they are held and loved by someone, a sign that they are ok, trusted, not a threat, a friend, a family member, we even said it, I followed in my friend and colleagues lead, thankyou sister, thankyou brother, we're all family here.
Every friday night in the Bearpit I shall try to make a difference for the homeless and homed too.
Other times I may just venture out into the town on other days because this was a good one thankyou.
Just a note to fill out a draft post so this is one
Don't know what to say or write or put here
I went to Bristol Broadmead and hugged
I hugged the young and old and free
Whoever wished to receive a hug
It's addictive in a good way too
Puts a big smile on my face
Saw a few people I knew
Hugged with another
We were a team
We hugged
So actually
I ought to just write normally
For once after all my poetry seems to be going elsewhere now
My writing is a video with me talking about whatever it is and flowing it into a rhyme on the fly
So this can be where I write things in words and explain what my day was like, just as it ought to have been in the first place, a blog, a log of my bloody life, what does blog even stand for anyway? So yes, today I went to see if I could help out the homeless in the Bearpit in Bristol but ended up meeting a fellow hugger who suggested we go to the centre of the shopping centre, so we stood outside Barclays bank, and just held up our free hugs signs, and met all sorts of people, friendly mostly, some had such a look of disgust or disdain on their faces, whatever they felt inside I hasten to add because I got so many smiles on the faces of the people who weren't interested in a hug, they were bemused, which i assume is a brother or sister of amused, they were interested or over a period of several looks back at me I could wear them down, open them up, see them transformed, from closed to a little smile to a grin to interested to coming over, to saying something to whoever they were with, and yes I got hugged so much I have a warm glow all over my head, it's spreading as i do energy work, as i let in the cosmic sun, the rays of the universe, the light of the moon reflected sunlight, the energy of love, transformation, as i open my crown and let it down it floods me, fills me up, inside and out, spreading the love as we did there was a wonderful, wonderfilled thing, we made so many people happy, some who needed a hug, some who did it for a laugh, a bet, a dare, as i react, as i feel the day slowly energise me, affect me, as i feel myself whole, healed, from yesterday in the workshop at Manchester, we did some spiritual work, we opened up to allow in energy from above, to see that flow down in waves, to feel it recognise any parts of us that are heavy or unneeded and let them go down, into the earth through our feet, to gift whatever we don't need to the mother earth, and let her recycle it, after all it's just energy, let her see what she can do with it, turn it into something good, like composting your excrement, like pissing in the woods, like letting everything that you don't need that is recyclable go where it needs to be to be reused, turned into something needed, and this flow becomes a cycle, that we can call in, that we can practise, that we can take as our natural way of being part of nature, gift everything we don't need, and in return, reciprocally we receive the energy that we need to heal, to be whole, to fill us up, our energy bubble, that seems so close to us, that keeps people away or draws them in, like my smile today, a grin, a broad means of saying hi to broadmead, and letting them know that i love them with out any need for them to do anything, getting so much eye contact, feeling as though it heals whatever issues I have with that, teaches me whatever it is that normal people, social animals experience over their lifetime from childhood to adulthood, that lets them relax and feel ok with the glare of someone elses light shining on me, i know that might not read right or well, gramatically so, but who cares, it means something to me to write what i feel i know, express it and those who got hugged from small kids to mature adults all enjoyed it, came back for more, or told their friends and that is a powerful thing, I saw that we made a difference in lives.
So to return to the story of free hugs at a later date is something I feel like I will be doing because it feels great, it's such an easy thing to do, to go wherever I go with a sign that says Free Hugs and show folks that it's ok to hug a stranger, if they need a hug they can have one, no need to let go too soon, keep on hugging me and i'll keep on hugging you too, let it give you the oxytocin that you need, the bonding hugging chemical that resets all our anxiety and nervousness, i feel them shaking or vibrating as they want to pull away and want to stay right there at the same time, not sure if it's ok to keep hugging, the slaps or pats that say this is me having had enough, or expecting me to say the same thing with my hands, to say let go now, when I don't unless they do, just to make them feel ok, don't want to hug them longer than they want to, but still I need them to know it's ok to take as much free love as they wish to get from me, after all that's what a hug is, a sign that they are held and loved by someone, a sign that they are ok, trusted, not a threat, a friend, a family member, we even said it, I followed in my friend and colleagues lead, thankyou sister, thankyou brother, we're all family here.
Every friday night in the Bearpit I shall try to make a difference for the homeless and homed too.
Other times I may just venture out into the town on other days because this was a good one thankyou.
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