Friday 2 June 2017

The First Time - Conscious Camp 2017

The Last Time I was here this long was an adventure that became a song, a story about a blizzard and being trapped in mountains by the snow, with this same feeling of family allowing me to learn and grow and show a bit more of my bestest truest self and lose the boundaries between me and you where there's no nations, countries, separation, because there is none really, only those that we've been taught to believe in, so let's go away from thoughts of us and them and them and us, cos they're also an illusion because we are all one, it's nearly time to go my friends, let's continue what's begun, this dream come true, feels like I've lived it before, but this time it's the realest it's ever been, the things I've seen, attack ships over Orion, but I'm a real boy not an automaton, not a digital creation whatever simulation we might be living through, not authentic behaviour but faking it until we make it all come true, that's what I've learnt to be and do, to live my life from the heart, from truth, with all of you.

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