Thursday 22 June 2017

eating consciousness

when you become more conscious you notice habits earlier and sooner so that you can change them on the fly and that is why my posture seems more central to my centre of gravity sigh, then it's just a case of having the patience not to scream and shout and fly off the handle to walk out on your life because you know it's coming good, just take your time, don't say "I'm fine" be true, be authentic, say whatever you feel instead, get your own head read by your own self and let others have a pass, let it ride, inside it takes a lot of trying or maybe it's easy if that's the case tell me how, to deal with ear worms, because when I'm not listening out, i'm hearing that last song on repeat, i take it easy and give it hard time, favouring rhyme, sublime and again my friend let it slide, forgive if you want to forget, need to, beat no-one up especially yourself except to say that you give others the benefit of the doubt you refuse yourself just to be on the safe side, reside in love, in the heart space, like a meditation on the breath come back to counting ins and outs, pouts, louts, ignore them and go back to bliss, this kiss is for each and every one, no tongue, unless it's in the cheek and cheerful? not so much but at least there's a smile on my face at times, just not a fixed fake grin, chagrin, cha! we used to say as if that was a comment like like is now a way of explaining something vaguely as though it were a way to describe rather than compare but to be fair you lot use language like you waste things, styrofoam words that hang around for years or days, minutes, seconds, mere moments this ought to be brought to an end before it sends me into apoplexy, im not sexy, but im fit as fuck, and cool because i don't care if i am, or look at myself in mirrors, because i see the real one internally and it stinks to high heaven and sinks to holy hell, this shell is better that's something swell to tell anyone who'll listen, i hasten to add, there's no sad sack of shit on the end of this shtick just a liar and useless bag of gas but earning it, missing the days of fun and frolics and constant stoned enthusiasm for nothing, glad to have some form of sanity for the longrun and less abnormality, it's going on this one eh? Keep on keeping on i tell em, don't let the bastards get you down, i am one, no really, probably not, i don't keep em keen, or treat them not even mean, so basically i do the least i can get away with and then some. A Modicum of modesty at least there's a slight referendum i can get behind and vote to remain again even though i'm glad we'll be out and proud to leave the sinking ship called europe before we're dragged under with it too, but i think smaller and local is the way to go with everything from governing and community and race relations generally, relax more, shore up our own shores and everyones because we care more, even me, i am reaching out inexorably and this has gone on far too long, enough is enough, don't get me started on greed. i've got it, smoking gone, toking gone, now it's food and eating i'm addicted to at least im mostly vegan for the planets sake, not a fake i really don't eat meat, or consume the dairy products meant for baby animals, no other kind of being on this planet consumes the milk of another species after childhood or even before being weaned unless they're orphans of some kind so where are our parents in the sky, on land, aren't they to hand to reach us, teach us right from wrong, dag nabbit, this rabbit has gone on too long, quit it, shit the bed, i hope this empties my head, it gets less airtime lately except for those fucking ear worms, obsessive thought loops and disgusting word associations that i would never normally think, scraping the barrel of this slimmer swimmer with a glimmer of hope for this dimmer spark to shine brighter once more before i falter and finish, not to diminish this diatribe, for the tribe to fail to read. If you cut us do we not bleed? Ashes to ashes industry to industry, it's all got its infamy, and in for me and you? Sell things now that's the bottom line and the bottom line is profit, it's good despite the way it's destroying the planet at a rapid rate, too late for those that are already extinct but maybe they're better off not living in a degraded ecosystem, within a system of abuse i call consumerism, slaves on one side, paying, and on the other being paid to spend their lives creating things for us to buy or die :) + <3 if you got to the end i wonder why but honour you thankyou

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