Friday 2 June 2017

Cosmic Stardust - Conscious Camp 2017

I had another poem writ and this is just a bit of it, cos when I made it up, twas in the space behind my face betwixt my dreams and waking up, so this is just a tribute to the greatest thing I've ever thunked, a few of the lines inside my mind that came and went like a choccie biccie dunked and sunked with relish and forcing myself to cherish all the parts of me is tough but lush and  giving the bums rush to being my own hater and worst enemy, has lead me to be a better person generally, when I've seen so much chunky generosity this beautiful experience lived so consciously over the coming and past few days, it reminds me of the hazy, lazy, crazy time, I first realised that my body is my mind and not just the bit inside my head, and it's energy and floating cosmic star dust and all these revelations take me back to the beginning of this story to the glory that is feeling like a wholly holy being who isn't learning but remembering, isn't making mistakes as much as taking leaps and flights of fancy and faith, within a dream world safe and true and when I say that, I mean meeting all of you made mine come true.   Thankyou

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