Friday 2 June 2017

Scream Out - Conscious Camp 2017

If I get this poem out I may howl and scream and scream and shout and pout a little cos I'm shy as fuck, so it was just my luck to be my best self here with all of you or at least as much as I could manage or womanage depending on who, it was, who most recently inspired me to be me, or I made you be you, by meeting each other honestly before we go back to being the few, among the many again, leave this place of generous jazz hands silent applause from last nights dance around the fire after hours and become the change we wish to see others brave to make too, cos we're each of us a little candle that can encourage and set a little light inside another soul, and when we wake on our fair share of the pain in this world that's what we begin to do, become a tiny fragment of the one true energy and accepting that to feel our fair share of the joy that is all around this bubble of illusion, within which great yes and terrible things can occur, sets us free of it inside ourself to shine, to find our power and unique gifts, forcing shifts and lifts us up so that we can put out a hand and give our brothers and sisters a higher place to land or maybe we get behind them to give em a leg up instead of the kick up the backside we got when we honoured all the pain and shame and guilt and stuff that stops them from asking the questions that we knew we were the answer to since the day we were born.  As torn as I am or was between the old and the new, I could only break through, when I met all of you.

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