Wednesday 3 September 2014

All I Really Know Is That They Don't Really Care About Us

There are solutions to the worlds problems available.  Every year we hear about new products, scientific breakthroughs that just never seem to materialise, for some reason they disappear.

Anyone would think that the funding for such things never arrived, that there was a system in place, a status quo that didn't like the idea of new ways to resolve these issues once and for all.

Shale Gas for instance, is a nightmare, it will make the oil and gas companies very rich, but it will not solve the energy crises longterm, it will create an industrial landscape in some of the wildest places in the natural world, and create jobs yes, for those already working in that industry.  Whether you believe that it will poison the ground water that we drink, or cause earthquakes is by the by, although that is almost certainly true also.  The reasons put forth are lies, they are excuses for maintaining the current way of working to solve the worlds problems.  They don't really care about us.

All the worlds leaders are really I would like to think men and women who would actually like to make a difference, whether they sought power for the sake of it I don't think so, whether they were groomed for their positions a long time ago, or got into politics for the right reasons, it doesn't matter.

The system is already there, it corrupts them and their hopes and dreams of a better world.

The true power brokers behind the scenes are the bankers, the business leaders, you only have to look at the way that governments, and local communities can be sued by corporations when things don't go their way.  Increasingly it is becoming the case that they are openly going for power over us.  They are seeking to grab the right in law, to get the power to earn their crust by destroying the earth's.

It's easy to see it going on when you aren't blinded by the need for day to day survival, when your whole world is making ends meet, paying the mortgage, the energy bills, the water bills, taxes.

Look at the fact that the gas companies are charging us three times what they pay for it, literally making £900 million this year already alone from people who can barely afford to live.

It's obvious when so many are, and it's not easy to do so, seeking charity, accessing food banks, even the so called rich, the few are fucking over the many in a greedy and blatant way these days.

The food system is another example, there are very few companies that own virtually all the brands.

So you might decide welll hey, nestle are saying that water isn't a human right so i'll boycott them.

Thing is the products they sell, and those of a hundred different other brands when you go high enough up the food chain, there are top predators sitting there picking everyone else off below.

In Food labs they are working to create products that hook the customers into eating more and more of products designed to give you just enough of the flavour and taste that you desire, but little or no nutrition, to get you hooked on the once you pop you can't stop nature of these so called foods.

Frankenfoods, g.m. crops, the world over farmers were being trapped by wheat that doesn't produce viable seed, so they couldn't do anything but buy their seed every year, thus trapping them in debt, keeping them as indentured servants to companies, and for what?  A product that grows better?

In fact yields are better when you work with nature, when you ignore the pest resistant crops, when you stop using fertilizers that actually help the soil to become less and less fertile each year, when you stop using pesticides that require the farmer to wear protective gear, only for us to eat the residue in the crop when it is harvested, apples and other fruit that look so good but carry a sticky sheen.

Profit margins, field margins...

Nature is destroyed daily.

For what?  To produce more food that we can waste?  Don't get me wrong as consumers we have fallen into their traps wholesale, we've become the people that make this possible by being susceptible to cheap products, that get cheaper and cheaper, meat that isn't from one animal, repackaged, processed to look like slices of ham but that has really been molded to look like it.

Rather than spending a quarter of our wages on food, we now spend around 12.5% and that's us.

That's our fault for not realising or not caring what we are putting in our trolleys.  But in some ways it's the stress of the modern world, that teaches us from a child to fit the roles set out for us, that stopped us from learning how to cook, how to make things, so that we could get high grades in subjects that support the job market, for slobs to sit behind desks supporting the business world.

Schools are outputting people who get passing grades in their exams who can't actually read or write, results and statistics in the health industry (that's Hospitals to you and I) no now it's an industry as with everything else, it's all about businesses, making money, cutting the wage bill, setting targets.

The bottom line, the lowest common demon, sorry denominators, working to make a better world?

No of course not, in the old days, if you had t.b. they gave you great food, fresh air and rest.

Now it's all about drugs, the pharmaceutical industry because of the profit and loss system means that solutions based on things you can't itemise, products that you can't get a Patent for like plant medicines, although even those are under threat as genetic modification can mean that certain strains of a plant can become the property of the company that 'created' them.

Don't get me started on free trade, ok here goes, well under the banner of free trade, our crap is shipped to countries in the developing world, well all over really, but basically that means that we can foist our rubbish on them and there's nothing they can do about it.  The result being that a country that previously made use of every bit of it's waste, recycled because out of necessity it had to do so, and the farmers there grew everything that country needed, becomes a place where cheap imports ruin the marketplaces in that country.  Our tat floods them until their own infrastructure groans and collapses under the outside pressure.  We've ruined everywhere else with our mode.

Now we've been patting ourselves on the back because of the fall of communism in Russia, the Soviet block collapsed, they introduced McDonalds and the rest is history, but in truth, all we've done is spread a failing ideology everywhere around the world, look at India, backward in many cultural ways that make what is a truly spiritual country look very wrong in so many ways to us, the rape culture, the caste system not unlike our own class system, but look at the ways we've ruined them.

Now they are becoming consumers, becoming just like us, desiring things they don't need, good little capitalists, after the big t.v. and all the other trimmings of what we see as a progressive society.

It's been said so I'm not coming out with it myself, just reiterating, but our system is no better than any of the other ones out there, the failed regimes and death of socialism, stop patting ourselves on the back now, realise we've got it wrong too, we're addicted to crap food, we're wrong too.

I don't want to get into god and the devil but let's just say, if you had to look at the world and guess, by the greed that is obviously the cornerstone of the way it is currently setup to work, by the ways in which other cultures are ridden over roughshod, where the beauty of a place like the Maldives, hides the islands covered in tourist rubbish that nobody sees, the toxic result of a natural disaster like the tsunami in 2011 that resulted in the Company that ran the Japanese Nuclear Power Plant seeking to lie right up until the present day rather than see the truth come out about how they mishandled the fallout, literal nuclear fallout, the actual results of that are still not being talked about now, when the Pacific Ocean as an ecosystem has been catastrophically damaged possibly beyond repair for the coming generations, it's no wonder most people have got their heads in the sand, watching the news.

The news doesn't talk about these issues, they go on about wars that we created, like our foreign policy in Iraq creating a government there that was so one sided, in it's treatment of one half of the population that it is obvious why we're seeing what we are seeing now, a civil war of epic proportions on the cards already happening, when the markets there have been exploding and people dying for years since the war was supposedly won.  We are reaping what we've sown and it's coming back to bite us on the arse...

I'm no angel, I'm waking up to these things, coming from a position of being completely swamped and colluding in many of these abuses, directly and indirectly so, being a good consumer, getting hooked on sugar, on refined products that are chemically stripped of their goodness to cater to palettes of people who are so far removed from the natural way of doing things that is:-

The best medicine tastes bad, in fact the real goodness in food often doesn't fit our tastes.

Vegetables to me, I eat them because I know they're good for me, but they are an acquired taste.

They are until or unless you find yourself changing the habits of a lifetime, we've been marketed to our whole lives right up until we've become nothing less than packaged products ourselves, we have become robotic slaves to an economic system that does not value us as individuals, they don't really care about us, all I really know is that...

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