Friday 11 July 2014

Multiple Worlds

I don't know how much or how many, how much people think or know about this world or how many people know or think they know about this world.  For me there's at least two worlds going on side by side.  For instance there was the Trafalgar Square recently used as a location to make a film featuring Thomas Mapother (Tom Cruise), it's the one that tourists to London visit and walk around.

Then there's the Trafalgar Square that myself and many hundreds of protesters gathered in two years ago on November the fifth.  Not last year the one before, 2012, that great year, feared by many as the end of something and in truth it was, the beginning of the end of something and the start of something else.  For me it was the day I found myself afraid to open my mouth and speak my truth, dissent.

That one, that square and the march from there, that took us all past the guarded gates of Downing Street, that we shouted at as we walked on by, calmly, resolutely, to the refrain 'Whose Street Our Streets' after all if all the people could be made displeased at one time, we would rise up, overthrow those who see themselves as our leaders, our better, not our olders, not our elders, not the wisest.

Not those among us capable of making the correct decisions to see us into the future, but those who seek power.  Now they may have ideas that they can make the changes, for the better, for the common good, for the majority, but they're mostly now career politicians, not normal people.  They don't know what life is like for the majority, they may think they do, but they really don't and never will.

No they mostly have plans for the future of their lives that involve interests in the business world, they have vested interests that mean the decisions they make are a part of the current paradigm.

I believe and hope that technology will free the majority up to make up their own minds, to follow a more natural approach, maybe necessity, the mother of invention will again come back to us.

Maybe the times we face ahead, the conditions will allow or force the herd to choose a different path than the one that the stags are taking us on, after all that's how it works in nature, has done forever.

Unfortunately all the general populace knows about Darwin is his origin of species stuff, the message has been chosen like history, by the victors, the business types, the bankers, the politicians.

What we are at our core, in our hearts is a species that cares for each other, at our base level, in extremis, when push comes to shove or there is a disaster of some kind we look out for one another.

I would like to see natural selection take its course once more, for the days ahead to allow us to see the pathological, the socio-paths for what and who they are, the self interested for the liars they are.

They lie to themselves though, as we all do, we subconsciously do a lot of things, often without even realising it, we don't see what the left hand is doing while the right hand is occupied elsewhere.

Once you know what you are doing, question your own motives, change your ways, decide whether voluntarily or through some kind of process foisted upon you to see who you really are it's all over.

I believe that whether we like it or not, conciousness is being expressed more deeply, we are coming to see ourselves more clearly, I certainly have and it's been a most painful time I wanted to end it.

I still am going through something, I don't know if this is natural or something I brought on, something that was hiding, waiting to come out to play or never would have without my mistakes.

I don't know and I don't care, all I want, if I could would be to go back, change things, I can't, so all I can do is make the best of a bad job, choose not to make the same errors again, somehow get on.

We are all facing the same things, or ignoring them, at our peril I feel because the planet is dying, so many inexplicable things, to many mystery illnesses, shocks to the natural systems, disasters.

Whether natural or man made the planet is kicking us out, getting ready to let us die, because of the ways in which we have destroyed our ecosystems, raped the resources from her flesh, bloodstream.

I wish for some to evolve, to become being of pure energy and light and leave behind the dark shadows of our past, let go the bleak worldview, leave this place, move onwards and upwards.

Ultreia et Suseia



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