Sunday 13 July 2014

Camels and Needles

It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than it is for a man to gain entry into the kingdom of heaven...  I may have misquoted and for a start I would change those words to:-

It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than it is for a person to gain entry to heaven

Removing the gender bias, removing the word kingdom, I would probably change the order too

I believe that we all go there, the direction of travel may be altered by our choices but yes

I believe we all go somewhere after we die, and our choices here may have some say

In where we go immediately afterwards but not the final destination in the end

I believe that all the religions and traditions speak of the same things

Petty arguments and differences of opinion have lead to wars

What was clear at some point, diverging into dogma

When what was there in the first place was ma god

the mother goddess, nature and the environment

the father sky and the mother earth we see

Maybe there was some superstition, the way that things occur around us, changing our thoughts, our beliefs, it's understandable to put a great deal of stock in the natural patterns that occur, in the sky, in events around us that are inexplicable, in the mysteries, coincidences, random seeming occurrences.

Natural processes, earthquakes, things that would have happened anyway becoming prescribed as the wrath of a higher being, because of the actions of a few or the many, maybe even individuals.

I hope so anyway, I really do, it would seem remiss for all the people I've experienced, met, seen, read about, researched, believed in to be wrong.  For all of it to be merely experiences of mind.  Dreams, not visions, fantasies not realities.  There is some truth above and beyond.

Onwards and upwards
Suseia et Ultreia

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