Wednesday 23 July 2014

Divergent - Bifurcating Forked Tale

I guess technology was inevitable, like stone tools and up to today's mess.  Basically nature used to give us everything and we gave back, we lived in harmony because that was the only way to live.

If you didn't respect the environment you lived in, made sure to ensure that resources would come back again, by only taking what you needed, by spreading the seeds of the grasses you weaved.

At some point our story diverged as people began to change from the natural selection process occurring to us, shaping the way we were transformed and mostly we're the same as we ever were, no discernible differences from the people that were around 40,000 plus years ago to now, today.

Except and here's the rub, the nub, we've bred a people who eyes don't work, who survived cancer longer than they should, it's a hard thing to accept but nature took its toll, we've got crutches, we can live and pass on our genes when in the past many would have fallen by the wayside of the path.

A long and winding road that took whatever we were before, forgetting the story we're told because I wonder how much truth there is to what we think we know of the past, our genetic history, our journey from single celled things to complex creatures, or our creation as a clever being.

Whether a god made us in its image or we evolved from apes there was a reason for it, a chance for us to make something of ourselves, a way for some of us to go from one thing to another.

That's still happening and despite the fact that we can use technology to survive when in the past we would have perished, we've got houses to protect us from the elements, tamed the wilds so much that we don't have to fear predators except each other for the most part and something has been lost.

I would like to see the wolves come back to this country to keep us on our toes, I believe that nature is a story, a learning curve, shaping and making us into something better if we let it, align ourselves to it, that we've stepped off the beaten track to live comfortably and that some will evolve.

Some will turn into whatever it was that we were meant to, that is my hope, that there is a good reason for this life, for the pain and heartache and hardships that the aboriginal peoples face.

They live their hard lives but are so much happier than we are, naturally so, they feel it.

They are a part of something greater, it shapes them, protects them, affects them so.

They feel it.  I don't know if I ever did but I am starting to reject the life I had.

Starting to feel as though it would be better to leave the passport behind.

Jump ship but stay onboard this truly wonderful galactic vessel.

Leave the human race and rejoin the fellowship of nature.

Go live in the wilds, get healthy, eat roots, shit, piss.

No longer an addict to sugar, find real sweetness.

Occasionally eat meat and treasure that fact.

Once in a while harvest some honey.

See nature destroy this sick society.

Harsh I know I don't want people to die off in their millions, billions, if we could stick to one child per couple in 40 years there would be 50% of the population as it stands today but we don't, the governments can't tell us what to do even if it's the right thing for us all, it's out of control.

I hope that some people survive and thrive and that the wastes of space, the sick and twisted who don't pass anything but their vile style on perish, those who use force and power to take advantage of the weak, who can't be trusted, those who don't deserve it, who wouldn't be shown compassion in a sane world, many would be put to death, to prevent such things persisting and I don't believe in killing but it would be nice for a fairer world to arise out of the ashes of this deranged one.

Wouldn't you say it was wrong to keep polluting the world when the oceans are full of plastic?

When life is disappearing at such a rate in terms of species that we don't notice until it's us?

Because that's the way it's going if you're honest and stop to spot it's going on right now.

Pretty soon despite genetic manipulation of the crops, the food chain is collapsing.

There's too many of us and the world is already too sick to support the healthy.

The wealthy, don't get me started, so many are part of the problem.

Not the solution, I hope those that are get a chance to live.

That there is a happy ending a silver lining to this.

Lucky me I get to be one of those sad enough.

Maybe even mad enough to think this.

Feel this and hurt like this daily.

To see the destruction.

In every step.



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