Wednesday 29 June 2011

t.A.T.u. All the things she said

Running through my head, running through my head, running through my head
t.A.T.u. incidentally are the most successful Russian act to date.
They weren't lesbians they were just singing FOR lesbians
"we’ve always advocated love without boundaries."

I spent hours and hours planning my tattoos but I'm starting to wonder about one of them...

It is a quote from Saint Augustine and before you roll your eyes ;) let's remember that some of the truest words are spoken in jest but even more importantly that it doesn't matter what the source of information is if it is good... Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater as they say.

I'm not religious, I never had a faith although I sang hymns, went to Harvest Festivals, danced around the maypole, actually that's a bit pagan isn't it? Like everything else, we've forgotten where the best stuff came from originally. It's all been co-opted by religions and governments and twisted, deformed out of all shape over the years.

My Tat reads nondum amabam et amare amabam, I have not loved though I yearned to love...

The subject of the quote is unconditional love, striving for that, to be within it. Feel it.

Perhaps I should have it altered or have a big tick put next to the damn thing

Whether it's just a change of context, or attitude, but I'm there...

Light &

1 comment:

  1. The other bit, Plus est en vous means 'There is more in you' double entendres or what?
