I've been thinking about you ok?
Can that be enough or do I have to get in touch because I'll always have a niggling suspicion that I'm being a nuisance if I do. I just got used to letting others run the show, if you want me around I'll be there. I think about a lot of people anyways, those that make me feel good when I do, most of all of course.
It was always a surprise, not always a nice one, to have other people reveal to me what I'm like...
For a long time I didn't know. It was said that there was always a someone on my mind.
That did used to be true but a fire that is all consuming burns itself out eventually.
I think about you and it makes me smile and I hope I see you again.
Realistic expectations are far easier to live, with you in mind.
Till we meet again through spontaneous syncronicity,
Seems to have worked pretty well up until now...
After all I didn't know you'd be there,
Nor did you know I would be.
3 Times Was A Charm.
Through Your Eyes
So many of my guests a week and a bit ago, I should say our guests, but I was the guy with all the caps on so I'm taking the rap with the credit... the party goers who arrived before dark Saturday or left after dawn Monday commented on how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful spot. It was amazing to see this place through other people's eyes again, it always is every time. What a pleasure...
I can't take anything for granted any more, have tried but it slips from my fingers as it should.
All I can do is enjoy every moment without any thought of the next one or the last and just be.
Light &
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