How to get ahead in advertising
I don't advertise the things I'm proud of often, because that's vain and comes before a fall, whenever I've got a little too big for me boots or it has every time in the past. I'm nonetheless concious and appreciative of them and that just makes me more open and even more, if that's possible, honest.
Tired of fiction, I CAN handle the truth, we can ALL handle the truth
Avebury Summer Solstice Celebrations
As I won't be cycling to Avebury this year, I will be able to sit down without wincing, for a week afterwards, having peddled twenty something miles to and from in twenty four hours, fitting in a few pints and a hearty meal at the pub before chilling for hours and never remembering to bring a good blanket and wear twice as many clothes as normal to stay warm amongst the huge stones until dawn kisses the horizon. Last year was the best yet as I saw a red flame like energy crackling and pervading the atmosphere all around the inside of the circle where we sat.
Leaving before the sun was up yet was a wrench but sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one in this case and that left me wide awake in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of everywhere watching that fiery ball rise up, the sky melt to my assent, dancing along the road and back, up and down that quiet country lane that leads through farmland to gods country our perfect secret camping spot near white horses chalk hills and then with bruised swollen bumcheeks cycle painfully home. But not this year ;)
Leaving before the sun was up yet was a wrench but sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one in this case and that left me wide awake in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of everywhere watching that fiery ball rise up, the sky melt to my assent, dancing along the road and back, up and down that quiet country lane that leads through farmland to gods country our perfect secret camping spot near white horses chalk hills and then with bruised swollen bumcheeks cycle painfully home. But not this year ;)
I genuinely felt the love, said a little hello to everyone I know, to kinda pass it on...
Mid Summer
June 20th to the 21st or 22nd ;) whose counting? I might never leave
Red Lion
A Bottle of Medieval Mead in years gone by although I think the post office shop has closed?
oh well I'm going prepared in a vehicle with four wheels and hammocks tents and all sorts of warm gear this time. This year I'm going to make it to dawn and beyond before I pag out...
Pacing myself better these days anyway perhaps that's a necessity at my age ;)
Cock Sure
Cock Pushups, nuff said great band, songs, film... Lee lee lee lee lee lee lee lee lee, mutherfuckin Lee!
Although to be fair cock pullups would have been a better way to describe that exercise...
Is it true that sex lasts for like 5 to 6 minutes and ten minutes if you're really lucky ladies?
Not working out, toning the right muscles, get him down and give you twenty cock pullups
Tantra is more a natural process that evolves, of finding a way to ride the crest of a wave
not looking to reach a single crescendo crashing on the beach as soon as you can...
but the collection of energy overflowing from the currents within the waves
the dispersal to any body within it's sphere of influence and joy unbound
so many waves
An hour isn't unlikely but 45 minutes would be a minimum, if a job's worth doing...
But that's tantra, it's not a dare or a record, it is not a race for gawds sake
Unless it is, in which case I'll probably win as I can get competitive
Only in certain circumstances, on the football field I used to be
Competition involves winners & losers, prefer a lovers alibi
Quantity may be cheaper but not as satisfying
Quality items last, you all know that girls
Stand-up commedian's used to bow and then STANDUP
That's what I've been saying about touching your toes, that's a stand-up too, a standing sit-up if you prefer.
Think about it.
Not Shy On The Horn
I'll beep at you now, I used to be quite unrestrained and yes out with my verbal roadrage... I'm better now but I do like to let the real arses have a blast of my diesel pugs belter so when they deserve to feel my displeasure they do!
Masterbation Big topic One Sentence
If you don't know what makes you feel good, pleases you, brings you off, do you really expect some other person to find out for you and then have to teach you?
I do have a point about the way that young men experiment and if it's porn from the start I'm guessing that's why they seem to have an attitude that a woman should want whatever they do, whenever they do and always in the same order with the same conclusion. Great expectations not!
I seem to remember a lot more imagination and fantasy involved rather than graphic representations...
Leading not to a hormone driven fixation
but rather to a mind body reflex
Un-inhibition not perversion
Desire not addiction
Light &
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