Sunday 12 June 2011

Put 'em up Put 'em up... - Que Sera Sera What You Will Will Be Will Be

A strange calm falls over me and I know that I am ready. Maybe it's because now I tend to put a lot more effort into the details beforehand, make sure I know what to expect, treasure the excitement while nevertheless an eerie peace pervades those moments that in the past might have made me waver, shift back and forth, be irresolute, unable to decide, blow hot and cold, change, deliberate, dilly-dally, dither, falter, flicker, fluctuate, halt, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, oscillate, palter, pause, pussyfoot around, quiver, reel, run hot and cold, seesaw, shake, stagger, sway, teeter, totter, tremble, trim, undulate, vacillate, vary, waffle, wave, weave, whiffle, wobble, yo-yo...

No finer examples than The Cowardly Lion, The Tin Man, The Scarecrow

Had what they were looking for all along but they feared, denied or shied away from it

The truth is that I have been braver than most about a few things but less about everything else

Courage is hard won but easy to lose sight of unless you know where it's coming from

Hoping what you are so passionate about will one day mean as much to others

Who you really are is worth sharing because otherwise this life is a sham

Not false bravado built on shaky foundations but admittance,

Of strengths and weaknesses without fear of reprisals

I won't use what you tell me if you don't either

No-one will ever have the upper hand

Unless they should at the time

Let's share everything






What you will will be will be

"The future's not ours to see que sera sera..."

"I got a feeling oohoo that tonight's gonna be a good night..."

Intuited through the felt presence of direct experience it can be touched upon

Sometimes you can change what will occur with your own behaviour and attitude

The events will usually be along the lines of what was likely to happen in the first place.

You see it's neither one thing nor the other but both, there is always two sides (at least) to an argument, but it's a bit like asking several people for their version of the same occurrence. Different in every case, inconsistencies, confabulation, you never get to the bottom of the story.

Yes you can change things but....
Some things will happen anyway

So you are damned if you do and you are damned if you don't

But you are also blessed when you can tell the difference

and act accordingly... Which gets easier with practise

Light &

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