Really really really finding it difficult to turn up for work and once I'm there stick it out. The jobs are temporary, they always involve working for low wages and to line someone else's pockets. Work your ass off your whole life just to afford a (usually foreign) holiday every year, that you wouldn't need if you enjoyed what you did for a living, or as I prefer to describe it, how you choose to life your life and what you decide to do with it. So we put ourselves in debt (mortgage) chain ourselves to employers (career) and then look back after x years and wonder why we were so miserable most of that time? The only reason I go there at all is that I don't have anything to replace it with as yet and need an income while I continue to reinvent my life a little every day.
I don't wanna work for the Man no more, I wanna work for the people.
Gut to Guide us
Head to Help You
Heart & Hands Heal
So where do I start? It's tough because it feels as though the journey that I've been on (ouch so called 'reality t.v.' phrases creeping in) from the spiritual awakening that I was so avidly and desperately looking for when I was literally in the wilderness and got big time, to the progress made since then that just isn't getting me as far or as quickly as I would like, but hey.
Supposing I should think about it like this:-
I feel like myself to the maximum extent possible
I'm physically healthier and as fit as I've ever been
Things are looking up got new friends and interests
I'm happier and more content than I can remember
So what's missing?
I suppose I'm looking for some more company to share this old / new found me with...
If not The World hehe ;)
The Meaning Of Life / P.I Staker? Right! "Piss Taker!" Come on!
Whether or not I have actually discovered THE answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?" is irrelevant because it feels as though I have and that's enough for me right now. The one I've found gave me everything I was looking for, comfort in hard times, the belief that death is not the end and an end to the belief that death should be feared rather than revered. Also a new confidence that I should carry on being me and not cave in to all the pressure to conform to other people or societies expectations, whatever the outcome.
Treating others as you would like to be treated, sounds cliche, old hat, but it's so true.
I saw the way you behaved towards what I would describe as perfect strangers and I didn't like it.
There have been at least two occasions in person and one from afar when I was prepared to rip you to shreds, I held my nerve and decided not to 'give hate a chance' (Jamiroquai). I could have easily torn into your character but I don't want to knock your confidence, I can see that you are doing your best, it's just that your best, isn't good enough. Acting like a man when you are merely a scared little boy, taking the piss is a childish and lazy way to interact with people, not a valid method for coping with your own inadequacies. I should know...
We have a connection because I've felt it, less recently, as it merely reminds me just how far away from you I've gotten and how far you've still got to go. I compromised my own enjoyment to involve you because I felt that you were the one person I could share my new found wealth of knowledge and experience with and yet you decry the very existence of love, sending me back to a metaphorical step one with you, making me doubt you, doubt our friendship, feel like not spending time together any more.
I guess that's why I was slightly amused (after being concerned and empathizing) when the Solstice bit back and gave you what we'd been discussing moments previously. Often a bad experience teaches us much more than a good one.
About others
About ourself
You can have that too...
It isn't a faith as in religious dogma, more of an experiential commitment to an ongoing exploration of what it means to be a human being in life and thereafter.
Treating others as you would like to be treated, sounds cliche, old hat, but it's so true.
I saw the way you behaved towards what I would describe as perfect strangers and I didn't like it.
There have been at least two occasions in person and one from afar when I was prepared to rip you to shreds, I held my nerve and decided not to 'give hate a chance' (Jamiroquai). I could have easily torn into your character but I don't want to knock your confidence, I can see that you are doing your best, it's just that your best, isn't good enough. Acting like a man when you are merely a scared little boy, taking the piss is a childish and lazy way to interact with people, not a valid method for coping with your own inadequacies. I should know...
We have a connection because I've felt it, less recently, as it merely reminds me just how far away from you I've gotten and how far you've still got to go. I compromised my own enjoyment to involve you because I felt that you were the one person I could share my new found wealth of knowledge and experience with and yet you decry the very existence of love, sending me back to a metaphorical step one with you, making me doubt you, doubt our friendship, feel like not spending time together any more.
I know why, and I've been there so I can't be too hard on ya, when all I want is for you to let go...
What you're holding onto isn't to your benefit or anyone else's, I know how difficult it is, but try.
What you're holding onto isn't to your benefit or anyone else's, I know how difficult it is, but try.
I guess that's why I was slightly amused (after being concerned and empathizing) when the Solstice bit back and gave you what we'd been discussing moments previously. Often a bad experience teaches us much more than a good one.
About others
About ourself
You've been the source of at least one of mine... Thankyou I think, yes I'm sure, thanking you ;)
Learn from your mistakes or make them again and again in more extreme ways until you do...
I didn't always like meeting new people, new social situations, chances for others to judge me
Now I revel in meeting new people, new social situations, chances for me NOT to judge others
In return I have met people who are not just willing but wholly enthusiastic to have me BE me.
Now I revel in meeting new people, new social situations, chances for me NOT to judge others
In return I have met people who are not just willing but wholly enthusiastic to have me BE me.
Truly being yourself means wanting other people to be themselves, as wild and wacky as they like
Giving you permission to reveal all those things that make you wonder if you are worth knowing.
Giving you permission to reveal all those things that make you wonder if you are worth knowing.
If you expect anyone else to accept who you really are, you need to have respect, build trust, love them as if they were your brother or sister, because they truly are, be not divisive but connective.
We are all aspects of the same thing, an energy that expresses itself in so many interesting and unique ways within us as individuals, each personality a valid example of what can be achieved.
...For Bad or for Good. There are many people today who display one or the other for us to see
Ignore the bad, focus on the good. S'all you need do and let everything else fall into place
I still get angry but I immediately remember what it means to give in to that and forget it
Greedy for all the wrong things & getting them because that is what you wish for, so be careful
re·vere 1 (r

tr.v. re·vered, re·ver·ing, re·veres
To regard with awe, deference, and devotion.
Light &
Light &
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