It's a bit of a brain squeaker, just stuff poured out so you know it isn't just something I thought about... Was written a while ago to give some new friends an idea of what I do to bring myself closer to something real, an experience that can change your outlook in positive ways for your own good, the thing is it's catching. You go back to your environment changed for the better.
ok peeps to set your mind at rest, nothing can happen to you when you are with me....that you don't need to... you are protected by my guides by my environment and by me personally and by your own intention... look within over the next week and keep asking bigger and bigger questions then smaller and smaller ones, then find one that's juuuuuustright.
If nothing comes to mind, it's cos you're after something else this trip to the Full Moon... and about that... it should be light enough for us to wander around, which is the bestway to come up into the light anyway and work everything through.
Bring some snacks that you want to eat to drink.... from childhood if you wanna go there, your youth, er now if thats any older than youth, I feel like a youth myself merely a whippersnapper knee high to a cricket so I can't take the piss even though it's my curse to have a quick wit, I've learnt when it's appropriate and when it isn't.
I learn as much from you as you do from me as always...
no-one does anything they don't want to or don't feel comfortable with, i.e. e.g. ? wtf? idk! in other words if something i ask you to do or say makes you feel uncomfortable you need to do it but I would never ask you to do or say anything that I would not and will not be doing myself. THE ATMOSPHERE is important as is the setting and setup but we are merely nervous friends about to set off on a journey through time and space.. beginning to sound like the mighty boosh, but go with any experience that is offered internally by your self and let go of any fears as you have nothing to fear from me or each other in the slightest.
The problem to face is that you are uncertain about the outcome. It's a good first lesson. Then the symptoms start and the word makes you nervous just reading it but they are merely the affects of a drug not the worrying signs of a poisoning... mushrooms are safe at any level of dose they CANNOT kill you.. they can turn your brain into so much mush but only at doses we wouldnt approach in a million years for two reasons... i wont let you... i dont have enough... ;)
i'll ramble then see what i missed.. ask anything at any time before during and after talk talk talk open yourself to saying whatever you feel like saying or doing... we all need help to let go of our fears our emotions our ways of coping and it's stressful, it causes tremors and shakes and tears and sobbing and laughing hysterically and shouting and screaming... but only if you are doing it right...
first time out although I KNOW I got your backs with no problems, for me obviously you are fairly blank slates..i have invited you to join me on my trip, to enable me to learn from you how to work with you, we'll all be faking confidence in what to do with our minds although I've had more practice and help from above.
background, saw ghosts ufos etc as a kid, had experiences that were psychic and threatening in nature but many things can be scary and feel wrong when they are soo right... example the build up on energy within me when i watched a video reiki meditation... i was rushing and cold sweating but my INSTINCT told me to continue so I fed that notion with love potion.... a calm concentrated state... created by breathing slow and deep until your calm breathe slow calm breathe slow loop sets you free (worked for me meant i no longer get a lot of tension headaches etc,now feel a lot lighter in fact for no reason, in diet or exercise went under 10 stone for the first time since well i must have been very young)... i am healed from head to toe and set further harder missions and challenges that I see approaching with relish not fear or anxiety... if you still wish to join in and see whatnature will reveal of herself... we will be doing nothing but whatI described above and below but we are all friends so I would never expectto have to tell you about things like showing respect for others or any of my other concerns.
arrive at mine, check out the lay of the land and make yourselves at home. outside toilet is basic but well functional, the walls are plaster and i spent hours as a kid finding faces and characters in the marks and lumps and bumps. electric lighting in the caravan and heated. two leather armchairs for your comfort and a table with seats either side standard jobby, so that you can lie down on the seats if you want to.
at any point please dont hesistate to ask for anything that you need i can always say no but so rarely do that its ridiculous ;)
i'll be as nervous as you, try to remain calm, it helps me to ;)
we work out doses based on past experience... please pass me any details you think relevant about your usage of liberty caps, in what way with what ingredients, how many times, were they whole or powdered? etc etc any information is valid let me sift through it... basically we want to go for a level that is atleastenough but ive got skills we can play around to make sure we're all well mushed and you are the priority so dont worry about bringing anything with you,except maybe some limes ;) i'll tell you more when you get here
we prepare doses and separate (mentally at least) while they stew in lime juice to mentally prepare for 20 minutes by going over all the things we really dont want to think about or experience or re-live.. do this if you like on the day just go over and over all the crap you want to let go of, bore yourself silly with it so that it is much less likely MUCH HARDLY LIKELY AT ALL UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO come up during our fun time
intention is the key, what do you intend? what are your fears? what have you been told? you wont see spaceships or aliens or monsters you will be with me and you will only see what i see and reflected back to you from me will be you, the real you and nature, the real nature... nothing will or can hurt you unless you believe it can neo-phytes...
trust yourself
trust me (guessing you do if your coming over lol)
trust in nature
trust that you will have a good if trying time because you dont take a trip you do one
do the best you can to be healthy before, no violent imagery, no news unless filtered through a sieve for you, nothing that can harm your calm if you can help it, when you get stressed think of me and breath slow and deep when yours not stressed think of me and breath slow and deep, think about the beauty of the place, the beauty of what you will see
the history of this place is amazing, from early human settlements, through to roman villas (at the top of the hill we can visit the mound that it lies under) through to what is here now like yew tress that we can sit under that are truly psychedlic and teachers in their own right, of our own....
it's your night i'm there as your everything and anything...
I am a legion, of no form who inhabits the role of whatever you need at the time you need it.... i am your butler and your bestfriend all rolled into one. i am there to serve my mistress at your request... only be careful what you wish for cos you just might get it.. she's firm but fair... dont join a firm runaway with the fair ;)
ok im getting tired and i havent stopped tonight for food or a shower lol. im usually cleanliness close to godliness guy these days but old havits die hard when the need arises.
Wash all over shower bath bathe whatever but make sure you are clean and your clothes are recently clean just to lighten the load of bad energies, or dirt, or whatever you wanna call it.. that way you are prepared physically and mentally which are the two dimensions before we get to spiritually....
its gonna be great fun to share this with you thankyou for making me scared but happy excited and nervous but strangely calm mostly.. thats what it gives you, the inner peace to just get on with your destiny...
dont eat for six hours before say 7pm as thats when i plan for us to have started..ideally this way we can all be fine to drive etc by midnight at the latest this trip will be short and sharp but stunning and not a big deal over anything youve done before that makes you rush up and slide down, we all know how to deal with those but you wont want to sleep until you get home and if you do the caravan is there for you to stay in until the nextday if you wish of course, mi casa su casa.... the caravan is a safe haven from disturbance, bring a tent by all means if you want privacy.. I understand anything that you think i don't and i've felt more pain than you can imagine so i know yours too, but if you manage to surprise me at all I will be overjoyed.. when youve been here as long as I have you start to remember so much that very little has any real merit anylonger unless it's new or interesting... dont try just let it happen and YOU will make YOUR SELF all better with my help a little... ? step by step we make progress... it's called a trip cos it's something you take regularly, once you are on the path you will want to find people in your own social groups to do this with so that we can all get on the same page quicker.. if you feel like tripping with me some more i may find that difficult to arrange or deal with but if I ask you of course you are more than welcome... i'll only do that if I see a need ? and in you too I see more than enough potential for positive change but less areas that need improvement.. you see we're all nearly there already.. we just need mother to cut the apron strings but once we know they're always still attached we can choose when to be her puppet and when to do our own thing... We have free will or it wouldn't be fair
dont know what the 'pop' at the start was lol... (could have been poop as I often make little errors whilst I'm learning). um i tend to find difficult things easy and easy things difficult so my viewpoint also makes me miss important things for simple ones and vice versa.. please tell me if there's anything you want to know before if it will help to improve your experience, um just lets make sure we all know whats on the cards is nothing but friends becoming uninhibited together and allowing themselves to open up in a safe way where it's a mutual appreciation society... you know anything you say is in confidence because we will all have shared something with impunity... and immunity ;)
In truth a three stage process or course of treatment is better. First is a daytime sunny funny getting to know each other time, second your own space and time to go inside with guideance and love, thirdly the opportunity to go out into nature and see what is hidden. My friend and I saw the phantom limbs of cut down tree trunks returned, saw vortices of light coming from the Moon, I have seen the feathery skirts of a Yew as a protective boundary around the teaching tree... so many things that are not seen without the assistance of our loving plant teachers xxx :) reclaiming your divinity within not focussing outwards :)