Wednesday 8 February 2012

Certainly Uncertain

I have been struggling to grasp & define the nature of reality
& to refine my own understanding of the nature of spirituality

Maybe looking for certainty beyond love is the way to madness or
even worse a desire for your life to stretch on into infinity, to
avoid death by any means necessary. To fear death, the end of
life, requires a lack of love for who you are now.

I had misery in my mind but only love in my heart so I gave in
My mindseye shows me not to try to find an escape from death
My heart a desire to give love whether receiving it or not

I love a mystery and in truth find many too easy to uncover

Have love in my heart and that is all I can say

the good ones always win

can die in their efforts to fight but

the bad ones always lose

end up infighting & self-destructing

to assume they have an answer their undoing

i admit that i know nothing and so I hope it is enough

an instinct that things that may or may not be true are a trap

that there is a further hidden truth, a truly secret way which is
hidden from they who hide, something far greater that can't be seen
something that truly prevents & corrupts the corrupt from succeeding

something that allows free will and saves those with love in their heart
and allows those with hate to be destroyed by their own failure to love

and yet shall we all see this within our lifetimes?

"May you be alive at the end of the world."

to believe it's not happening and so never give in.

understand that nothing is lost so never giveup

loving despite the future looking uncertain

I fear not my fate and believe in our destiny

I don't know what the future holds, not for certain
I have ideas, I've even made predictions
along the lines of...

Transformation this year and utopia by 2014
soon afterwards destination Hyperspace...

Names are just an excuse to label something or someone, we know who they are
A friend expressed this sentiment when I felt all was lost & wished it was
You Know Who You Are...
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou x

Light &

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