Tuesday 10 November 2015


so ive felt as though im ready and thats as ready as youll ever be and asked the universe to give to me the opportunity to see and build something and see it grow and learn and sow some seeds for the future deep in the earth and make a place for others to heal have freshwater there and ponds and fields and cottages for the guests who needs a space to be without all the trappings of modernity and then it can also be a herb garden and medicine patch and vegetable supplier and food and energy converter where the plants are grown and sown and harvested in cooperation, relationship and honour and respect so they do their best to be individual and unique we help each other out so to speak cross pollination information going back and forth between them and you and me and us unconforming to the common need for electricity and wireless fog so
this is my hope my dream to build it so they can come and heal +
thankyou universe ill get on my side of the thingy by writing and
asking someone who may say here ya go, here's a field get a
building next summer dream big i say, and be disappointed
a little more but overwhelmed with the way that things like
like minded people are drawn to you when you get out
there and try and try and do and do some more who
knows this time next year i could be settled in a
new built eco home and setting out gardens
trees avenues and lawns and places for
nude sunbathing and such and all
sorts of other lush stuffs to be
included in this sort of plan
wow i never thought to
get here but it feels
fucking amazing
woman and

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