Friday 12 December 2014

sharing and caring

i want to share something with you all and it's going to give me some peace and, yet more, energy for the challenges ahead that before, i had my head stuck in the sand, avoiding anything that I wasn't good at and concentrating on things I liked... so here goes, believe or don't that's up to you, you could always try it ;) xxxxx

in the past i used to find large obstacles in my way, like a heavy door or seemingly impossible tasks in front of me which I thought I could never, shouldn't ever face

so in the quiet moments between the future and the past, in the now, I would say what if?  what if I tried this?  what if I remembered what we can all really do?

so in that spirit of adventurousnessness ;) i would stand with my hands on that heavy door, that I could only move with great effort before and I would relax and not try to move it, I  would wait and let we two become one, me and that heavy door then I would feel a certain something happen between me and it, felt as though it was becoming a part of me and me a part of it, relaxing more it's never about how hard you try, the more you let go of your fears and expectations, the more you go with your incredible imaginations, i could move the door as if it was a part of me like my hand, i could ease it across as easily as i could move my head finally out of that sand, i never thought i could because i had nothing for my life planned ;) x

then later pausing to go over the fact that as a child i could feel energy between my hands, i could place them close together and feel them vibing like two like poles of a magnet, as though they were repelling each other, so I played with that and forgot

then later still i remembered that i could do that and when I was gardening I would use those two parts of who i really am, i brought them together and i would speak to the weeds, I would say you need to leave, to a quick death, so let go and allow me to change the layout at this location, i would grab them at the base, wait for a second for us to connect, say let go under my breath and take them more easily from the soil, coming away as if I was just lifting them without roots, as though they had done as I asked them so nicely to do, realise and agree with me that the best thing for everyone was if those weeds were no longer there...  as if by magic xxxxx

Now if you would ever like to feel what I feel, ask me to say how do you do like the american indians used to, we show each other our palms, we take them close, we let them nearly touch and wait to see if we can both feel our energies vibing like ;)

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