Friday 12 December 2014

an inconvenient truth

it's been said that if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem
and in truth the majority of us are part of the problem and not the solution...
for the sake of our convenience, other people and nature are inconvenienced
because BIG BUSINESS, World Leaders, THE SYSTEM itself says so.
We are then made to work ourselves into the ground, stress ourselves out.
Make ourselves ill, to fit into the way things are, the way we think they must be.
That's all a lie, an illusion of control that has to and is fading out of existence.
The future of this world can only work one way and that is sustainability...
It's obvious from the ways the oceans are polluted with plastics, small and large
It's obvious from the fact that there is a growing population and a shortage of space.
It's obvious because it's coming to a head all of the worlds problems are apparent.
So the only way forward is for each of us to withdraw from the system, realise
the ways in which we collude and include ourselves in it, make things worse.
For the sake of our own convenience because we are trapped in lives we don't want to lead, doing things to earn money that make us ill, keep us tied down, stop us from being and doing the things we were meant to be doing with our precious lives.

There is no need for us to return to nature for we are already a part of her
A sick and twisted part it has to be said for most of us aren't connected
We are fighting for survival and security in our lives regardless of others
The more we learn about the ways the world works the less we like it
Because the truth is that we have been moulded into slaves for them
Those who only think of themselves and profit and the short term...
This has to stop, we must think of our children and their children
We need to think seven generations ahead and realise that's us
We are the future, here and now is where decisions are made
That will shape the world for the rest of time, until the end...

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