Friday 5 December 2014

a song about love - and love being life

it occurs to me as so often things do
that the other day, i referred to a you
in that case as with so many others
im talking bout everyone not a nother
as there isn't one person particularly
that i could be speaking about verily
my fault I know that i don't tend to let
anyone get too close at least not yet
since i got used to keeping peeps at
arms length, a bad habit i know, one
im trying to relent and well so on go
i, spouting words here to be readed
cos it comes to me to be spreaded
into the world, as a kind of release
a form of communication, please
don't worry that im talking about ya
for all the planet to see no no no...
no no no no no no no no no no
no no there's no limit no no limits
we'll reach for the sky, that means
all of us, you, you, you, you and me

ah well they don't always come out
the way i was hoping at all shucks
to be fair i never was much of a poet
more of a creative writer spouting lots
of ideas one after the other at least
that's what my english teacher said

it is helping me to find my voice
even though i still panic when
given a choice, about what
i should say and what i
should not making it
up as i go along
seeing lyrics
as i write
a song

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