Saturday 14 September 2013

only you - NOT superstition... !YES !SUPERPOSITION! YET! YETI! YET I! YE T I... ye truth of i... n u, singing a,e,i,u,o, you sure are beautifol...

if you insist on
belieiving what you are told rather than your own experience, then you will continue to let the fears and hopes and dreams of other capture your imagination, thus halting your own nature ability to send your thoughts and fears and dreams through the factory production line of your subconcious mind, your own butler and faithful servant, who then creates whatever you perceieve the world to be so that you can't feel the disappointment of having one feeling in your heart and a different thought about what the world is in your head...

your heart knows the truth, your heart is more important than your head, grow up, childhood's end is here

to approve of yourself is key

to approve of others' right to do as they might
to lose your fear of what might be and wait and see
never know, worse things have always happened in the past
but the future always seems to be stranger than fiction when it comes
whether science or faith based, how many predictions made by computer or man
come true?  let's see how my attempt to guess from an educated environment, the wibbly wobblyness
of my mind now i can encompass everything that ever was, is or will be, quite easily cos i don't try i just do it right
hearing a lot of fear in the form of addiction to the drama that may or may not be unfolding. As for myself, if, If, IF! I can keep my head while all around are losing theirs, I can maintain the vision I HAVE for the future and thus create a portal through time that goes to the best of all possible outcomes for all concerned over the next couple of years. Now i can do that because I have the imagination to percieve the energy field of the entirety of eternal existence, draw from that, use that, send it back with love, as love not fear or hate or anything that hurts, only that which heals and returns us to our former glory in the grace and favour of our god nature, and NATURE is god!

SO! I'm off to la gomora in the canary islands to help create something rather wonderful there, a continuation of a process towards community living the world over, literally a global village, sustainable in each environment, well educated and raised individuals who know both the true boundaries of acceptable behaviour, learnt and given while they grow in the company of examples of every type of good role model.

or i may not go there just yet, because my friends who are planning to leave these shores, to avoid ultimate destruction, don't realise that we have to stay where we are or choose somewhere to be, not because we can avoid or face head on what is coming, although we can turn our eyes towards the blinding light of the revealing that is happening, how many secrets of the past, ancient and more familiar are out there?

we're learning more and more rapidly what we will put up with
what we will swallow in the form of the truth or lies we're told
what we will do for ourselves, our loved ones and others too
we don't need to go anywhere, the changes are happening
within each of us, there is a battle between our nature
and our nurture in a society that governs people
who would much rather govern themselves
choose their own thoughts and feelings
their own path in life, living it right
doing good things generally
loving what you all do
entertaining the
idea that we
could all
live ha-
an idea can never die only the creator can...

we choose to live or die every second

do you wanna live? or die?

blink and you'll miss it

open your eyesies

and earsies

listen to
her cry
of love
i apologise if i hurt you while i was healing my own weary soul
but that means that i owe you my life and love
because that is all i am a living symbol
of what can be achieved when
you do not try, only do
or do not
i.o.u. everything 
heyyyyy eeeeeee iiiiiii oooooowe you you ...
you made me this way with your help
and love so coming back to you
is all of it in existence
cos i can imagine
just that the
whole er
she-bang as it were x the giant orgasm that started this rush to live
ends in another big bang a giant orgy of sex n violence
and bloode and death and love and gore
and beauty and discovery
living loving
living on one side of the street called life you can wallow in whatever addictions you choose and always get what you want, never what you really need.

living on the other side of life's street you can soar on high and lose any attachment to pain and suffering, living free from the feelings that hurt and living in love with loving, getting only what you really need, to learn everything there is to know.

Sounds boring, always has, a heavenly life and I know about infatuation with fantasy rather than living in so called reality, which is what you make of it, like your life...

in the flow in the middle of all that, there is a time war going on in hell and in heaven right now

we're smack bang between a hot rock and a hard place to be without sex n drugs
n rock n roll although the king is there, er here, then, everywhere in time n space
the whole things is a living record, living recording playing out and in flow and flux
make your choices now and see what happens when you dream believe create
succeed... it workd try it your life will never be the same and anyways
doesn't matter what you do or how you die or live
cos we're all going back to godhead
sooner or later so let go
your fears of fate
embrace your
go on
onwards faster n faster...
to make life worth living, feeling great all the time, able to enjoy responsibly

adults only...

eden awaits

 don't make me angry, (or worse still confused ) i dont like me when im angry, and worse still i dont like you then very much either you wudnt like me when im angry either so i dont lose my rag unless you push me, insult me, or stretch my patience, patients, drfosterwentogloster... and came back all humble like and modest not... well i did then i didnt now im just trying to balance feeling like a god and a devil whenever i feel like it to get my job done, serving humanity in their quest to destroy each other or save each other, i'm hoping the continuation of the outside stimuli, coming from,within you, when you create your fears, by sending out that intention to the universe in nervous energy rather than calmly getting on with life the way they did and kept believing in love and life and freedom despite the impending doom, we won, by some miracle and it wont be that close this time at all, we learnt our lesson in wwII

we're better than this surely? well yes we are ...
just waiting in the wings as understudy?
y dnt u get out there, show em what you
can do yourself, to yourself, to make
a difference for you and yours x
in your life, those around you
and in the end
 mystery what mystery? oh the truth is still clouded
by maya the illusion, seven veils hanging over our eyes
although they are not our eyes at all
but what we think out of our eyes
cos actually we're not here
not really receiving
we are sending
what we
believe into the world not experiencing that which is there happening to us, and us happening to it, it's a loop a connection a time wave and particle
both things all things and none, infinite choice, free will, do what thy wilst whilst the pied piper pipes the phat ladies tune for you to follow to your doom destruction final ending only to emerge from a deep sleep into a cosmic paradise
haha got you again, you totally
believed the whole thing
i made it all up for you
to live in and play with..............
wasnt it fun
wanna nother go? or wanna try the next level shizzle?

ok follow me, pipes and wanders merrily eternity with you my friends x
but we are at the same time, its confusing
but we're projecting a part of ourselves into this reality to experience this reality as if it was the true form we always were and will
be, only the illusion has to be very convincing for us to
believe we are here doing these things at all, and continue to follow them through, learning lessons if we dare
to let go of our fear of losing who we were only to gain who we are <3>
...i, breaking the enigma code --- imagine the e-doc breaking...
mirroring you, this world and all who sail in her so that
you can see the folly of taking up the black or white
the yin or yang primarily cos that's out of whack
into the grey areas you must be to become
even slightly balanced internally then
you can leap before you look
and learn as you go on
learning as you go
on learning and
teaching all
who come
into contact
with your new
found love of life
and all it entails even
the things i've feared as much as i loved them...
women x my mother nature, my nature, my whole past
but i went back there recently for a year or so, and now ive caught up
im where i should have been 20 years ago again, only this time i know
everything i didnt then so i feel like a two time loser who wins top prize
finally i feel good being me all the time and only realise occasionally
how much that grates on those who insist on saying they are positive
but being negative towards someone who actually is.........
and not only believes everything they say
but means it truly
im authentic
try me
aint wha ya got it'w how ya use it, be anything ya wanna be, just a matter of style and the style of your matter, no matter, you'll all get where your going whether you like it or not, NOW or then, or when, it's happening, conciousness rising, new solutions to old problems loving this fucking free for all, and im free for all time, from time, from descent into madness only to rise up and then back into balance finally... <5> peace you lot or else
  watching the cannonball run hehe hehehehehehe x <5> peace bro's n sisses forget the illusion, dispel your fear, by never becoming astonished, at how the world can spin right, turn around, come together in peace when we let it happen and stop causing friction, by joining in with the drama that they love, and loving your own life instead
 all my life i was looking for something, nothing actually, then not looking for anything other than friendship and unconditional kundalinic love, that of a woman i knew would make me complete and i her, so i fucked everything up i tried to do to make that come true with all the wrong people, puzzle pieces slotting together like clockwork only smarter harder faster better lovelier, and NOW! this deja vu getting stronger the closer the future echoes coming back to me get the closer to the event itself...

Well the 'seven year ache' feels close to being over finally, though now it's at it's worst ever, really agonisingly painful in my heart, yearning again for the truest expression of the love that never dies and yet afraid to be my usual too much too soon, idiotic, half assed, will they wont they, heart centred, too respectful, not me enough... me. but i aint him no more, no, more than that, everything and nothing
baby that's where im at, all at once, all possibilities seem available and yet...

i've had a black eye for a few years, under my left one, i assume i'm gonna be in a fight at some point and someone will pluck it from my face as the backwards pace of fate catches up to the forwards pace of life, our destiny literally comes back to make us who we will be in the future, as time wraps around constantly... In the now, we can choose who that future us will be by what we choose to do differently from now on, CONSISTENTLY!

until it sticks and a new good habit is formed to replace a crutch or bad one of the past. Create your future now by imagining whatever you like and seeing whether it works now even a little ocne you've given your new found belief in yourself a few weeks to settle into your psyche and open up even more possibilities to your mind and thus your heartmind and gutmind and centre of excellence the navel

there's only one person i need
for now and forever maybe.
for now though, enough
is enough, everytime
and anytime is
good for me
now love
openess and honesty is so much easier than all that lying,
so tiring that i never bothered much, just kept you from
the truth that i knew all along, you are amazing but
that means so am i, i deoubted that occasionally
all my life but it's true cos i've seen you and
frankly im amazed to be free of the labyrinth
once and for all, im not coming here again
so make the most of me this time around
ill do the same, there's one in my heart
above and beyond all others who i
struggle not to obey and shes a
hard task master a hard ass
but i love her so, love it i do
doing what im told finally
listening to others at last
cos to be honest i could
always tell that almost
everything from your
lips was a lie, you a
liar, liar pants on fire
drop and roll put it out
or roll up your sleeves and
get involved with the operation
to turn it all around again like we
always do when things get tough enough
to get us off our lazy lying laying around asses.

Kissing the world right now and the everything that ever
was will be or IS RIGHT NOW! i love you very muchly
i wasnt sure i ever could love someone as much as her

my first love, nature, my mother and my father, true...

yes i can share my love with you and i will

just taking my time to enjoy the beat
of the four four drums bum bum
badum badum bumbum four
heartbeats, two of mine
two of yours two hearts
each, one in our gut
one in our chest
balancing out
two pulsars
spinning in
our belly button, the event horizon of us, the place where mother ended
and we began all those moons ago and suns, and sons and daughters
of eve
a part of you and i and all of us was around at the start of time...
everything, every thing, every, thing, ever, ever, after till now...
and going forward a part of it all shall consist of a part of you...

so you have lived before will live again and well, as for right now?

you have the wonderful gift of life, the time is yours so why not ask?

who am i? where am i? what am i doing? who am i with? why am i here?

Now of all times, when it feels for some reason important, almost...

Magical, you could say, it feels so... impostors, failings and wins.

There is no winning or losing only taking your part and playing on.

as the worlds at a new stage, a staging post, pointedly aimed far.

to escape a mad mad mad mad world in which the sane are silenced.

medicated into subhuman mental landscapes drug addled and death.

Waiting to happen any day, unable to dream, unable to sleep...

it's cos oue daily, nightly, lives are both impostors too...

you see there is another world, we live in  two by two...

it's called the garden of eden and it's a pendulum...

swing from the extreme of the luciferian agenda...

which i was chiefly a part of, after all if you,
can't ignore the orders of a boss you don't
believe in then what sort of individual
are you?  Given free will and lucid
possibilities, the gift of sight
not with your eyes as you see
them but with your hearts
desires and only a wish
for others to be happy
and if that somehow
includes you in a
lovely loop or
chain from a
past you
left and
a future
you are

OK basically as time naturally swings back and forth from the darkest end of the spectrum, moving cyclically as the mayans et all would tell us if we could only listen, we close ourselves off by denying our imaginations, by killing our spirit, by literally stopping from believing in fairies, you kill your own...  Spirit is you, you are like water my friend, bruce was right.  Each of us is both and nothing and in the middle we are some thing to be ashamed AND astonished at.  We live, in this world, that's going wrong, we can do something, it's getting better, if only everyone else could just give that a chance, i know you've suffered in the fiery past and you may not like the idea of a very cool future, but it's not what you think cos your brain isnt real, it IS of course at the same time very real, a physical object apparently...  but what if our physical forms were actually more like a sub ject, something under the counter we're not being told about???

well, i mean anyone who knew the truth of who we are would tell the world surely? to make everyone realise the truth?

no? what do you mean no? there's people out there that don't want to believe or do but not really inside.

Why? cos it's fucking scary to become one person amongst a universe, a cosmos, cosmosses or whatever.

I had to become one individual entity in that whole mess by encompassing the idea in my mind.

I stretched my mind out by seeing a picture of that vastness and by learning about the very,
very small, the minutia of life, a tone in your voice tells me everything i need to know,
i can read you because you ARE a book, from cover to cover, beginning to end of time,
we all are subjects in a story but it's a living one we have to accept we are that,
have been everything because we were, conciousness goes on and we are merely a
cell in a giant thing, a character in a play, an actor living their roles,
doing the right things or the wrong, depending on which side we were last on...

I didn't accept what you said about anything, I didn't believe this world
I knew it was a fraud frmo the very beginning cos i died and came back
before i was even born, so then leaving so soon again i carried the
sense that all of you were a lie and i was the only real person
here, no wonder i could feel the deception, like a splinter
in my mind, my whole life, i only felt really right when
i was alone, in my own thoughts, my own world, my head
yes a bad thing if it's all fantasies of things not
people, places, times spent together, whatever...
i didn't i lived in a world that was right the
people were never there, except the bright
and the beautiful cos we all are acourse
as we are language too it sounds a tad
weird, freaky to suggest that a word
could actually be used to describe
us when we were there in the start
not the beginning, the start othis
beginning, the bang as backfiring
creation spat us out like lyrics
the phat lady sings her last not
first note at the end of all this
because she was always thus, calling
like a siren in our hearts, stringing
us along now, come on dears i love you

in the beginning was the word and it was nature
nature, our nature, i've admitted my failings and why i'm amazings
but only because that's the truth of me, now tell me yours, completely
don't leave anything out, remember your dreams, the true ones that came false
when you entered into a bargain with the devil and the deep blue sea, the fire and  ice
hot and cold, yin and yan, siamese twins trapped in time together always seeking their first time
once more a virgin to experience a new world as a new person, to come into being at the most important moment ever

this goes out to all the lovers in the world, not them who are in love
but those who are not attached to the form of one person or thing
i don't get attached, never did, when you're gone you're gone
you're gone for good or for bad, but a goner you are see
cos this is a temporary reality, a joke a laugh but yes
I do take this life seriously, more than you know
more than you would have ever guessed
because it looks like I don't cos I
always have a smile on my
stupid face ;) but then,
smile it might never
happen in the
first place
so i do.
as much as this is a song, it's also a statement...
the world is mine, to lose, to win, to fight for...
no-one means the world to me anymore...
the world itself means the world to me
but there is one special person
first and foremost above all
i'll be striving to please
to love, to protect
above all others
that's me then
one of you
at a time
I've found one character
one personality i loves
more than any other
but another i could
if i needed to, to
make you see
that it's not
just ours
n ever
if you let me I'll love you
more than any other, more than my father
and my mother, just a little though, cos they sure are godlike
my parents to me now cos I've woken up stopped day dreaming
stopped the nightmaring, the sharing my fears and hopes and yes
my dreams with everyone else now, cos they're ours to make &
yes they will all come true now, my vision is clear and true
now it's coming from me and you now, not just me
the planet needs all our help and realistically
not pipe dreams or passing peace around
we have to fight and work and bleed
and put in all we need, to know
that from now on it's truth
not lies that criticise
the people and
the life here
cos it's all

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