Wednesday 11 September 2013

naturally healing energetically - weather fayecast - one

ok all the boring bullshit about women is over, i've got most if not all of my power back, stopped projecting it onto others, seeing them for who they really are now, males and females, people, animals.  Not that many have changed all that much, my boss became this weak, panicking, poorly organised, unable to solve the simplest problem without reassurance, limp wristed prat for instance.  Most everyone else is still the same as they ever were, which reassures me a lot that i've not done too much damage to their perspectives.

lots of others are far less angry and i have the strength to say what i mean and choose
to intervene if i think i should
although it's taking a while
not to interrupt at all
and make it clear
that they don't
know what
they are

Weird thing is though, everyone seems pretty happy with the new happy me... :) go figure, i never was
happy to be me, not for long periods, i was always worried i would be found out
as a fraud, pretending my way through life whilst deciding
that so many great feelings would never be
for me,broken promises i made
in the past that were
reminded to me
and undone
lately with
self love

Still being honed these instincts but they're getting better and better generally.  Using my hands i can focus my own energy, coming from one hand, sending with the other, deflecting it out to touch your aura, energy field.

Then I feel your bouncing or non existant, pushing back against mine gradually feeling stronger as i move my hands to detect from the ground up or from your crown down where your energy is weak, and needs more.

I can now use it like a scanner and go around 360 degrees and sense where the issue is and whether you need more connection to source above or to the mother earth below.  Then ask questions to hone the process of discovering and healing the issue.  Whether we need to talk, or to even be in the same room i'm not sure, but it does help to have a connection with the person at the time of the healing.

However, your subconcious mind is not your friend unless you've met, your dark side and your light.

Often your deeper lower level connectivity is receptive where you are not, and I can work,
whether you know it or not, just sending healing over, under the radar ;) x

so i work from the ground up, and feel for areas where the strength gets lighter
where i can sense an imbalance or guess where and what the issue is
problem solving capabilities and creativity boundless-ish
in waves as two steps forward one back i
earn the right to keep on moving on,
on, up and out and wider still,
still looking, searching for
and hearing the tone of
your voices, if only
you could hear
yourself then
you might

so onwards and upwards we all go, i went to hell and back and back again to hell
now im learning so many lessons that if was a studenyt doctor i would be gone
i would have quit many months ago, if not years, only knowing of course
that what i've been doing is vital for me, to be happy, to be me
to make a difference in the world, by making one to me
i mean something to me now, got goals and dreams
once more unto the breach again
once more to the battle
betwixt good and
evil inside me


Weather fayecast

so cold harsh winter coming from mid to end of november, snow likely,  possibly even for xmas day if not until early january, certainly winterish till february then warmer and a we mild spring, then warm then hot summer although that's vague, these things arent decided until the future is now ;) x


I am ONE
She is ONE
He is ONE
We are ONE
ONE is the loneliest number but it is also the start of everything
and given that 1 minus one equals zero, one aint lonely
just happy being single until it's ready to become
two, becoming one, two whole people
meeting like two circles of life
0 and 0 put them on top
of one another they
make a perfect
8 infinity loop
a torus time
piece of

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