Sunday 18 September 2011

Ryu Ken

Hands held open wide wrists together at the end of extended forward arms a fire ball is expelled...

When I'm dancing to music with a repetitive baseline beat I focus my attention and physical expression on the beat and let it fill me up rising through me until I let it crash and explode outwards.

I was given the heads up about checking into Reiki as a next step for me to do energy work but was reluctant as I had read and agreed with the sentiment that it wasn't necessary any more.

So, I found a video on Youtube, and figured that it would be a good place to start before trying to get in touch with a couple of people that are aquaintances, I've met a woman and a man.

I sat back and wasn't even initially taking it that seriously but as with everything, as I engaged it suddenly became really powerful and took off, I was holding on at one point breathing slow.

Trying to control the one thing that I can my own reaction to events.  Given that our breath feeds the loop that is our entire existence.  Stop breathing and you die, anything that affects the rythym of the breath can cause anxiety which is also a loop, one which escalates and that's what attempted to occur.

So I did my best to relax and carry on and not give in to the temptation to stop because there was an obvious tension that had to get worse before it could get better, had to be experienced before it could be released.  I kept my faith and held my nerve but not my breath and as I relaxed although I sweated up I realised the physical sensation was the other end of an energetic loop.

I had to let it do its thing and have patience and courage that just because it was strange and uncomfortable, doesnt mean it's not a good thing.  Lots of good things cause us to become a litle uncomfortable at first.  New friends.  New lovers.  New experiences.  New anything...

You wont get so easily upset if you go into a situation setup

Remember one thing, breath slow and deep

The rest is taken care of

Light &

Here ya go if you're feeling brave ;)

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