Faith No More
Just Love
Gonna stream out the txts off my phone from today and just let ya rip my rap
...is caught in an upward spiral
Favourite Game
When you're playing your favourite game you don't mind giving up your last life to anyone even a stranger. (or an aquaintance, I'm thinking war games, arcade scene ;) ) You do it because you can, you know you can always pick up later on and enjoy working your way back through the levels, enjoy the problems youve solved before because you vaguely remember how to solve some of them and then find everyone else either having completed it, stuck on the last level, or variously spread out over the course of the gameplay.
The time to party is after you've been good. Healthy, Happy, Hard Working but passionately.
Then you can celebrate with a big confessional with all your friends and the great mother.
She'll take on board your concerns and reassure you, also give you a talking to if needed.
Then it's off to party like it's going out of fashion.
And you deserve a good time.
A messy one but a good one.
Cos you've been good,
Grace to accept things
Hope like a yawn catching
Charity to give willingly
i suppose i feel like i am an older brother energy, I go first everyone else gets things earlier than I did and can learn from my mistakes, and the only consolation which is a good one is I get an early bath... if only i had started taking my own advice sooner and more often ;( ;)
when all the 'vehicles' can fly, can we have the land back for walking on...?
There is nothing that you cannot be forgiven for, once i knew that nature and myself were capable of anything I had to accept that so was anyone else. She forgave me, she'll forgive you.
But more imprtantly you'll forgive yourself first. Love yourself first. Trust yourself first.
Then turn your attention elsewhere ;) x
I bet they're laughing upstairs whenever I visualise raining down a bright yellow energy over everyone at the start and bathing them in it during a party... cos to them upstairs it must look like a golden shower.
I dont think you realise how unused I am to asking for what I need and so rarely getting it. ;) x thankyou
Dislikes intently talking about myself unless youve managed to get past my awkwardness with strangers (going funnily enough) and found my passions cos i will go on about them. Im hoping rapping all this stuff out and up in a web of energy on here will mean it'll be filtering out and I can have a rest and just ask you questions about your life, collect some new story ideas, and just be...
Careful though because if I find that I enjoy your company we may be spending a lot of time together once everything settles down, i havent had a life so its been a while since i started to have one and didnt shy away / run away and try to have my quiet life back. Ill find a happy medium, oops i am one, or a conduit as i like to call myself... sounds more sci fi futuristic ;) x
Do you always need a thankyou or are you just doing what you're doing for it?
When sum1 doesnt thankyou when they should have, it isnt always and hardly ever for the reason that you think. Others dont know what frustrates us cos it doesnt bother them in the slightest or theyd have done something about it. lol we're so funny cos we behave as though everyone is mind readers but they arent because we dont all believe it. I cant read minds dont worry, i can see what you mean, and thats only when you want me to, as in a conversation ;) x
it feels so good to do the right thing that its addictive and that leads to more capacity for goodness which leads for greater good deeds and greater love in return not thanks
Not unless you've got bollocks of steel or tits of titanium, do so at your own risk because I do not thank people for doing that. It's Just Plain Rude! It's a boundary of mine that I will forgive dependent and in a perfect ratio of the golden mean to how pissy I am and how in need you are.
If you want sumthing you're likely to get short shrift. After all I might be sunbathing naked or whatever, yes I do that and my mates used to rock up on push bikes silently and get the shock of their life ;) When I say something like this people get scared but im not used to setting boundaries and when I do I sound sterner than I am, more certain and sure but I mean it just not like you'll be killed, just like you'll be hugged given food and warmth and drink and be sent packing after a few hours... that kind of welcome for people who think it's ok to just rock up at a spiritual place and but in. Not thinking enough of others or yourself is the problem in the first place though, so perhaps as usual I have come full circle in thinking and writing and decided that those people need the most help. So come on and come all! NO DONT KIDDING I HAVE TO RESPECT MY ELDERS AND MY BETTERS AND MY PARENTS AND MY FAMILY AND MY LANDLORD AND MY VILLAGE hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
once youve bared your sould and freed your mind what constraints are left?
the only evil or darkness ive experienced and fought was strangely familiar, the more i meet it the less it has any power over me, i tell it you know my answer, its no and im getting a little bored of your shenanigans, theyre old tired and not working whatever you do because i would always rather die once and go nowhere than live forever anywhere you're going to...
which by the way, being that it's a part of each of us, the temptation to be darker than we are light, the balancing of our own scales of justice within, from ying to yang to the line between where it's safe... BORDERLINE! madonna isnt all bad then. We cant reach the areas we want and need to that contain the information we would like to see, because a line in the sand between us and it was drawn in our minds when we grew bigger but not up and out. Learn to let go of your boundaries and in the words of the song,, "I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles"
anyone who thinks conspiracy theories are valid does so because they allow us to guess rather than know what is going on. I know now but even though i do know the system and its rules, i dont know its final episode, just a few plotlines, some random pics released from production and that once it comes together it's gonna be something special defiantly and definitely cos we've past the point of no return whichever way we look at it as indivisuals.... (freud would be pissed to know that he only gets mentioned when someone makes a typo or a mental error) ;) yes i think he is now actually, .....individuals even and as the groups we associate with that control us more than we think (we let them).
The anticipation is building for this like no other... some people have been looking away because they think it's not for them, like a very attractive person that you find just dreamy but dont think youve got a hope in hell with. Check my words.... read them slower read each word in turn, understand their meanings. look up old sayings and phrases and see if they have new meanings to you. I keep revisiting old things and visiting new things and i cant help but find my dreams coming true when i do xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shouldnt you let them decide that?
The attractor has been playing a giant game of steal or share. We've been stealing all the time somewhere on the planet. Now it's getting to the point that so many people will be sharing, current situations causing a resurgence in tribal values, the rest will either have to because of circumstances or die off. It's that simple. Get busy dying or get busy living.
Easy enough choice once you havent got any other option but to pick one.
Manners really do get you everywhere like a cheat sheet
(and then when all else fails go to the mattresses)
But only in self defence.
Light and Love and Language
Look it up, the mattresses were gathered together from 15C Italy onwards in times of war you protect yourself with mattresses. MATTRESS FIGHT!!!!
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