The village. The town. The City. Cities. Counties. Countries. Continents.
Before, I would get to southern england and the forcefield would collapse along with my concentration, I became distracted as happens so often with meditation or I would have drifted off to sleep knowing that I've sent my best to a lot of people.
I felt the bubble bursting to inflate. Held on and knew that my goal was to spread my conciousness a little further out into space and time on this occasion. The desire to have the entirety of existence both as source of the love and recipient. I held the notion and my nerve and just let that golden light now not white as usual, fill me up starting from the divine spark within and then shining right out and through me, every pore follicle and orifice exuding golden goodness taking the form of a double golden dome and spreading out exponentially as my thoughts took on board greater and greater regions. Now the planet, the focus on travelling out to spread this love everywhere as the supply and demand grew together including more of the cosmos, the inner planets, the sun, the outer planets, asteroid fields, galaxy, galaxies, everything.
Light &

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